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A comfy, non-toxic, and inclusive Anime/Manga/Japanese Media fandom and Japanese Media/Culture Content Creators (Bloggers/Artists/Video Creators/Podcasters/etc.) Mastodon Server

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Public かやのみ#192「お冷で? 常温? いえいえ、熱燗が最高なんです」 かやのみ#192「お冷で? 常温? いえいえ、熱燗が最高なんです」 今週もあったかいお酒をご紹介! 幸せはここにあります! ──────────────────────────────… #3月のライオン #ai #animate #anime #FemaleVoiceActors #japan #Kawaii #kayano #mesi #Twitter #VoiceActors #VoiceActresses #アニメ #あのはな #あの花 #あまんちゅ#おもしろい #おもしろ声優 #お酒 #かやのみ #かわいい #けものフレンズ #ごはん #ジャパン #すしラーメン #セイク #せいゆう #ボンボンTV #メンマ #モデル #やってみた #可愛い声優 #唯一神 #声优 #声優 #女性声優 #宝石の国 #実況 #実況中継 #弟者兄者 #愛衣 #日本 #神回 #美人 #茅野 #茅野愛衣 #面白い声優 #飯テロ

Mastodon Migration

Would say that on it's two year anniversary, this pinned @Lazarou post turns out to be pretty damn prophetic...

"Stay behind and fight!
Content moderation is f*cked, anti Vaxxers and Crypto dudes are verified.
I'm not sure what we're supposed to do at #Twitter...

Migrate to somewhere that can't be bought by a Billionaire.
That's how you fight."

So, think we learned the lesson? Maybe need one more punch in the face?

Brad Wilson

“BlueSky is just like old Twitter.”

Yeah, I loved old Twitter, too, but doesn’t that give you cause for concern? What’s preventing it from becoming the version of a Twitter we hate?

Also, repeat after me: Just saying it’s decentralized doesn’t mean it’s actually decentralized.

Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸

Heads up Canadian Fedi! There are rumblings that the Gov of Canada, or at least large numbers of politicians/politicos are soon ending their presence on #Twitter to move to #Bluesky.

Now is the time to push for them to consider the #Fediverse including #Mastodon. Whether they choose an existing server, or do (imo) the right thing and create their own presence, now is when you need to be talking to your political contacts about why they should choose this space!

micchiato 🍉

AOC got raked over the coals on #Twitter for her vote to endorse a flawed definition of antisemitism.

So, of course, her chief of staff threw gasoline on the fire on Twitter by downplaying the resolution’s endorsement of the flawed definition.

So, of course, AOC then went on #Bluesky with the intention of chatting about Amtrak, but chat got sidetracked by her vote to support the antisemitism vote. However, she set things aflame again with evasive excuses, wanting to have her cake and eat it too.