Matt is at it again, claiming that WP Engine is attacking his “free speech” in a recent blog post on his personal blog.
WP Engine has filed hundreds pages of legal documents seeking an injunction against me and Automattic. They say this about community or some nonsense, but if you look at the core, what they’re trying to do is ask a judge to curtail my First Amendment rights.
Sure, Matt can say that WP Engine is Cancer and other false claims, but defamation (Libel and Slander) against an individual or a company is not free speech. Not to mention, he changed the code of conduct in an attempt to silence Matt Mullenweg’s terrible behavior.
Pro tip: Stop digging even deeper, also resign too.
@chikorita157 Matt is a grade A moron. Here’s the text for anyone outside the U.S. (the rest of you should know this!):
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
There we go. Congress has made no laws to stop Matt from any of the above. The rest of us are legally free to ignore any and all the twat says and does.
Anyone who uses the constitution or the amendments as an argument will be under extra scrutiny to make a truthful case. I recommend everyone who lives here to read both of them on a regular basis and understand when the BS starts.
Nothing than man ever says again carry any weight.
@yon It seems as if Matt Mullenweg doesn't even know what the first amendment does. It doesn't mean people has to listen to his bullcrap given all the backlash he has received and obviously it doesn't protect him from saying stuff is doing crimes.
As they say, if you resort to using the first amendment as a defense for crimes, he is already losing, when there is obvious evidence he committed crimes.
@chikorita157 That and the government do limit free speech (if interpreted as in you can say anything). Sometimes for bad reasons (fuck the FCC and the morality panic piles of shit that allowed simple words to be censored!), sometimes for good (stalking, threatening others with harm, etc).
Sometimes for pure evil (SCOTUS, DeSantis, etc).
Wanna take bets on how long before Matt shows up on a far right show whining about how he can’t exploit others as he see fit? I think many people don't understand what the First Amendment says (and I'm not even American).