Mahou Tsukai ni Narenakatta Onnanoko no Hanashi – Episode 12 (END) – Yuzu and Kurumi Saves the Day and Kurumi’s Future Plans
#magic #TheStoriesOfGirlsWhoCouldnTBeMagicians
Do you like this post? Please boost and comment by replying to this post.. @yon Hmmm what you think about the ending.
Seems that there are things left unanswered.
@chikorita157 Haven’t caught the ending yet. Last week of work this week so now I hopefully have some time:)
@chikorita157 Felt like a season ending and not a series ending. We got some reveals, like Hazel, but no explanation of why that trio is wildly different ages. Not to mention that two characters seem to be the same person, but with different hair colors and chronologically wrong.
Plus Kurumi hasn’t figured things out. Not in an open ending type of way, but more of an incomplete hero’s journey.
Not to mention that they didn’t stop the actual bad guy. He’s properly evil and they just kinda shrug it off. At least he’s consistent, most RL evil people don’t think they are wrong.
I swear it solidified as a capitalism vs socialism (kinda by default as the rest of them are capitalism adjacent) fight in the end. The elitist that thinks they know best vs owned by the people. Wish people could take these lessons to heart more.
It absolutely needs more episodes. If nothing else because of the beautifully artful style. Said it before, don’t want everything in this style. But for this show it was flawless.