is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A comfy, non-toxic, and inclusive Anime/Manga/Japanese Media fandom and Japanese Media/Culture Content Creators (Bloggers/Artists/Video Creators/Podcasters/etc.) Mastodon Server

Server stats:

active users

@sammi @davidrevoy Yeah, I understand that, but at the same time, that doesn't really matter to content creators or companies. Even if Threads is artificially inflating it's numbers, it's still more appealing for an entity like a content creator or company to move over to with the 30m+ users than Mastodon only having 13m even after a 7 years of operation. By contrast, Discord already had well over 100m users after 7 years of operation. I don't mean to sound doomer-ish, I'm just wondering how Mastodon is supposed to compete with behemoths?