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All Is In His Hands...For my Christian friends.
#christian #christians #christianart #christianity #universal #spiritual #spirituality #god #jesus #bible #bibleverse #bibleverses #scripture #scriptures #church #faith #hope by #SharonCummingsArt
"Why don't I have grandchildren???"
— boomer whose death cult eagerly tries to hasten the end of the world
This one might generate some controversy… “What Is (A) #Christian?” I began one this while on a retreat a few weeks back. With all the questions surrounding Christianity and its relationship to #fascist thinkers, it felt like a good time to offer a definition.
This is all horrific, but maybe the worst part is that Rep. Jett is justifying corporal punishment for biblical reasons.
"He went on to call it a “violation of scripture,” citing Proverbs 22:15 to back up his case. Jett read aloud: “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him,” reports Oklahoma Voice".
There once were some nuns on a bike,
In a race where they pedaled alike.
With habits flowing free,
They raced joyfully,
In a clerical comedy strike!
#GuardianLimerick #Film #Cycling #Cycling #Christianity #France #Comedy #Culture #Europe #Religion #Sport
and that’s why forced conversions and the fear of, not just Gxd but HELL are now considered heresies in the Catholic Church.
hatreds of “The Others” justify genocide. it justified the #Holocaust. it’s justifying #Palestinian #genocide.
and why you’ve heard nary a peep from USAmerican christofascists about the billions used to kill Christians in #Gaza.
their #christianity and #zionism are just extensions of their sadistic dreams of #colonialism and worldwide domination and dominion.
The Aramaic translation for “I am the way, the truth, and the life” in John 14:6 uses the following terms:
- Urcha (the way): Refers to a path or road, but also conveys a deeper meaning of guidance or religion in the Galilean dialect.
- Sharar (the truth): Implies firmness, leadership, and unchanging principles.
-Chi’a (the life): Indicates physical, spiritual, and eternal life, with a definite article emphasizing exclusivity.
I just finished Genesis 7 of my translation of the Bible. It is up on kofi/dropbox for subscribers to download. I also publicly posted my translation of Genesis 1-3 with footnotes. Please feel free to comment and leave feedback. I'll be posting Genesis 4-5 next week.
A quotation from Orwell []
All through the Christian ages, and especially since the French Revolution, the Western world has been haunted by the idea of freedom and equality; it is only an idea, but it has penetrated to all ranks of society. The most atrocious injustices, cruelties, lies, snobberies exist everywhere, but there are not many people left who can regard these things with the same indifference as, say, a Roman slave-owner. Even the millionaire suffers from a vague sense of guilt, like a dog eating a stolen leg of mutton. Nearly everyone, whatever his actual conduct may be, responds emotionally to the idea of human brotherhood.
George Orwell (1903-1950) English writer [pseud. of Eric Arthur Blair]
Essay (1939), “Charles Dickens,” sec. 6, Inside the Whale (1940-03-11)
Sourcing, notes:
Greenland. Land of ice. Also, land of Lutherans. (AP News article, lots of pictures, discussion of religion in modern Greenlandic life and its roots)
Here’s an Ash Wednesday story for you all. When I was in college, a friend showed up to class with a grey smudge on her forehead.
I pulled her aside and quietly let her know she had something on her forehead. She laughed and told me it was Ash Wednesday.
I was raised so Evangelically that this possibility had never crossed my mind.
(To give context, Evangelicals do not generally observe Ash Wednesday or Lent).
Quand je pense aux christiano-droitistes qui décriraient Joseph comme un homme-soja parce qu'il a accepté d'épouser une femme enceinte et d'élever l'enfant...
Thinking about right-handed christians who would describe Joseph as a soyboy because he married a pregnant woman and agreed to raise her child...
#christianity #christianisme #art #hetero #loveislove
"Everyone has two wolves fighting inside them and the one that wins is the one you feed." -Modern proverb
If you are as tired as I am of Evangelical Christian Nationalists perverting the scriptures to spread fascism, then it isn't enough to denounce them. They live in a bubble (like all cults) and you need to affect people in that bubble. Don't just denounce them, but support the competing Christian ideology that embraces love, and the Fruits of the Spirit at its core (you know, true Christianity).
I believe that what is lacking in a lot of Christian circles is a commitment to the truth, no matter where it leads. Please help me make my translation a reality and I will (and do) fight to bring the light of truth to every corner of Christianity, especially those lost in antichristian death cults.
#Bible #Scripture #Translation
#Christian #Christianity #Church
#Judaism #Jewish
#Tanakh #Tanach #Torah
#Transgender #Agender #Nonbinary
Pope Francis suffered two episodes of “acute respiratory failure,” the Vatican says, as he continues to be hospitalized. Read more from @CBSNews
#Pope #Francis #Catholic #Health #Christianity
I found my faith system, it took some work!
What makes you think I’d find satisfaction in disproving others their own faith system?
McElroy’s proper place in the world. His 1989 book, “The Search for an American Public #Theology,” argued that the fundamentalist strain of #Christianity, which wanted government leaders to base decisions on certain Scriptures, was too partisan and alienating to unify a country as diverse as the United States. Instead, Catholics should find common ground through an appeal to #reason, he believed. You didn’t need to quote the Bible to establish human life as sacred.