Sorry, well, Using TWBlue and forgot there's no multi-line without shift-enter, sucks. Well, anyway, back to my point. I had to fight to get my degree. It took everything for me to do it, even took me 2 more years than normal, now, part of it is because it turnned out I was taking 12 credits and not 15 during my sophomore year without me knowing, I know, stupid but that's what happened, but I had to repeat classes.
I'm lucky and I can admit this freely, that I had super supportive professors and other facalty that helped me deal with things and were extremely accommodating. If you want a University where they will work well with you, Southern Virginia University is the best! Go knights!
Seriously though, the system isn't easy to deal with, having people not understand your blindness, in job interviews, figuring out when to disclose your blindness like its some big secret so you're not discriminated against, having problems sometimes getting insurance for some people, I know all that stuff is difficult and I must acknowledge that all this is true, but I was never taught what my dad called oppression politics, to fully feel and know that you're helpless so trying isn't worth the effort. I just never had that because I was taught that pretty much anything is possible, but that it may be diffficult to get there and yes, having support helps and I recognize that not all people have that and yet, even those without manage to be successful.
What I'm saying is, just giving up isn't going to help anyone, and there's obviously a problem that is complicated and there are no right answers. I just feel that something and I don't know what that thing is, needs to be done to help us become successful. In the mean time, here's a book made with a bunch of resources to help people with disabilities find jobs, work with SSI so that you don't have to be burdened by the cap, and other resources as well, US only:!AlLCVRViUqvZgeQ-8t7AgARD_ZlocA?e=MdgYDo
I'm just trying to help and to just talk about how things have changed, because this philosophy is all I know. I never grew up with anything else.