When ya run into an obstacle, just ask yourself… What would a #dragon do?
Rising above the challenges!
Issue 315 is out now! Go give it a read on https://furryweekly.com or through the link in our bio, and don't forget to tell us what you think!
Gesetze gegen #Rollenspiel? In #uspol absolut. Ein Texanischer Abgeordneter hat den #FURRIES Act eingebracht: "Forbidding Unlawful Representation of #Roleplaying in Education and Schools" - verbietet absurdes (Menschen dürfen nicht aufs Katzenklo) und harmloses wie Rollenspiel "Tierlaute" oder Katzenohren - #DieSchwarzeKatze #DSK oder #DnD5e #Tabaxi oder #Pathfinder2E Amurrun wären in Schulen strafbar. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2025/03/gop-legislator-files-bill-to-stop-furries-from-using-litter-boxes-in-schools/ #pnpde
FROOOOOOM! Coming to you!
#furry #fursuit #furryfandom #fursuiting #furries #furrycommunity #fursuitfriday
The other day, I randomly got an urge to make a dog version of my Bandit Ferret character.
I was going to just add long hair to his ferret form but it didn't look right to me. So, I love the trope of cartoon dogs with floppy ears resembling hair. But, you usually see this done with female characters; never really male ones. So I decided to do this with Bandit, and oh my god I love the result. It gives him a 1970s rocker vibe and I absolutely love it. I was also gonna make his face markings look more like an English springer spaniel's, but again it didn't look right so I decided to let him keep his unique ferret mask even in dog form.
The ferret form isn't going away, but the dog form is there as an alternate.
Now, great, I have a crush on my own character now kjsdhfksdjhf
helo !!
i like drawing silly little guys
if that's interesting to you, check my stuff out!!
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