@lydiaschoch pretty sure the 70’s happened when the 60’s hippies started getting backaches and regular salary jobs and gave up actual activism and counterculture, but not the weed.
And then some of us were born to those parents. Howdy #GenX
@lydiaschoch pretty sure the 70’s happened when the 60’s hippies started getting backaches and regular salary jobs and gave up actual activism and counterculture, but not the weed.
And then some of us were born to those parents. Howdy #GenX
Hey #GenX I'm a bit worried that a lot of you aren't clear about #Measles vs #Rubella
And it's still bloody confusing to me because another name for measles is apparently Rubeola and when I searched "Measles" just now I saw that and I thought there was just confusion on someone's part about how to spell a weird latin disease name.
But anyways, we all most of us got Rubella as kids, and the grownups called it Measles, or else German Measles, but that was Rubella. Little red rashies everywhere for a few days, no further ill effects. One of those "harmless childhood diseases" that antivax crew love to deathcult about.
Measles or "Red Measles" or Rubeola, on the other hand, that shit is bad. Real fuckin bad. And as I understand it, that's what is on the spread.
Rubella = German Measles = don't panic.
Measles = Rubeola = antivaxxers are participants in multiple homicides.
So my concern is, that a lot of you are brushing off the Measles outbreaks, because you think it's Rubella.
You're unbelievable....
Iiittt's RETRO time! Join @maerchen1313 for 6+ hours of 80s & 90s music, coming up TODAY (Tuesday) @ 4 p.m. EST on Twitch. We have musicvideos, marblesonstream & friendly, inclusive chat. Tap in! --> https://twitch.tv/maerchen1313
#music #anime ##radio #radioshow #retrogaming #DJ #VR #EBM #VTuber #VSky #oc #VRChat #radio #Eldenwood #musicvideos #marblesonstream #Twitch #80s #90s #chat #genX #alternative #indie #newwave #gothic #thecure #siouxsie #Front242 #SkinnyPuppy #VTuber #ENVtuber #nijisanji
@jensorensen Yep. #genx has to be feeling like they're having a psychotic break.
OMFG, I have 1313 followers, and so today you get the distinct honor of a Social. Media. Graphic. TYSM, everyone! (There's still room at the venue, tho.) Come party with us! --> https://twitch.tv/maerchen1313
Currently watching musicians from the wireless when I was young (JJJ in the 90s) at a country club/casino #genX
I'm old enough to remember when "downsizing" was a corporate euphemism to improve optics and soften the previously shocking concept of "mass layoffs." It was originally met with sarcasm and distrust, but at some point, did its job and now we all say it with straight faces and take it for granted as totally normal, business as usual.
Dear reader, it once was NOT business as usual. It was uncommon and made headlines news every time it happened.
This in many ways explains why #GenX is the way we are. We grew up watching this and many other changes to American culture which we instinctively knew signaled the end of social contracts that our parents, Silents and Boomers, took for granted. We knew those promises would not be kept to us, and we were right.
They ignored us then like they ignore us now. But we're the only generation that fully saw the world before (Millennials saw some of it) while also (as a generation) embracing and even promoting new values in reaction to these changes that younger generations now take for granted. We are historical witnesses from a distinct vantage that is extremely important for understanding where we were, how we got here, and how it could be.
(And we borrowed heavily from 60s counterculture, so to the Weirdo Boomers, thank you.)
We need all perspectives.
Discussing with friends if things get better when Boomers die off and pass control to #GenX and #millennials.
We can hope. But I kind of thought that about the young boomers and hippies, a more liberal view. I'm coming to think it's not generational age, it is the cause/effect feedback loop between money and power. They generate each other in a positive feedback loop, and correlate with entitled, selfish behavior.
They self select for that quality, so you get pools of rich, powerful assholes
I just did the math and figured out, I’ve been online for just about 2/3s of my life.
And then I realized this is the most #GenX thing to even think about.
I recently turned 50 yrs old but don't feel that old. I usually don't feel my chronological age. Sometimes, I'm randomly reminded that I am not a Spring chicken anymore. That happened earlier today, at the grocery store. A masked woman approached me in store & her eyes were bright & happy. She asked me if I was Miss Banh & if I used to work at McTavish Elementary School in the late 90s. I replied, 'Yes, I worked as a specialized TA with disabled kids at McTavish in the 90s.' She was elated & said - 'I was one of your autistic students! I remember you well & missed you when you stopped working there. I want to tell you that your help, support & staying after school hours to help me with my lessons more, made a big difference to my life & my self esteem. I never forgot you. I'm so glad to see you again. Can we please exchange contact info so we can meet up sometime & chat more?
We exchanged contact info. I'm looking forward to catching up with her this Spring
This woman was only 8 years old when she met me at her school. I feel honoured that she remembered me & grateful for the unexpected reunion in a grocery store, decades later.
This ongoing thread, about LGBT Identity in the United States, can be read as an article on my blog, Meticulous Musings.
The overall percentage of US adults who identify as LGBT is also consistently between Millennials and Gen X.