Good episode of #HoneyLemonSoda
Good episode of #HoneyLemonSoda
Das #Anime #Streaming Programm für Mittwoch, den 19.03.
Die letzte Folge #PossiblytheGreatestAlchemistofAllTime! Außerdem neue Folgen von #MagicMaker, #AmekuMD und #HoneyLemonSoda!
Uka Admits She Was Bullied to Her Dad In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/TJYSNG
I’m still really liking #HoneyLemonSoda
I compared #HoneyLemonSoda to #SayILoveYou last week, and that’s good company for a series to be in. Especially with #HoneyLemonSoda delivering, or at least appearing to, solid character development for Uka.
Triple OOOF. I’m sure the dad means well but that’s just going to make things worse… #HoneyLemonSoda
Good advice from Miura-kun there…
Double OOOF. Yeah, that’s not going to play well for the father-daughter relationship… #HoneyLemonSoda
#HoneyLemonSoda … OOOF… well meaning but stifling parents. That…explains a lot about Uka-chan actually.
Even so: OOOF.
Easy there, Miura, or Uka’s father might faint. Or call the police
#Anime #HoneyLemonSoda
Ishimori Gets Those Digits In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/TJNYVh
Das #Anime #Streaming Programm für Mittwoch, den 05.03.
Heute u.a. mit der letzten Folge #DanmachiV und neuen Folgen #MagicMaker, #GrisaiaPhantomTrigger und #HoneyLemonSoda!
Confessing Her Love to His Ex-Girlfriend In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/TJG9DC
Tonally #HoneyLemonSoda is reminding me in some ways of #SayILoveYou, albeit with less dark backstories.
Ok, so there’s a romance anime called #HoneyLemonSoda that I’m quite enjoying at the moment.
They Made Her Cry in Front of the Whole School In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/TJ62TD
Das #Anime #Streaming Programm für Mittwoch, den 19.02.
Heute mit: #GrisaiaPhantomTrigger, #MagicMaker und #HoneyLemonSoda!
His Ex-Girlfriend is Actually Really Cool In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/THy81T
Das #Anime #Streaming Programm für Mittwoch, den 12.02.
Weiter geht es mit neuen Folgen von #Ishura, #HoneyLemonSoda und #ReZero!
#AvexPictures Schedules ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Blu-ray Box Set http://dlvr.it/THrlXm
Your New Name is “Pillow” In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/THq6MC