0/130 Need to pay for meds [cw: weed]
We need to order weed - due to lack of access to funds, severe agoraphobia, and lack of doctors who we feel comfortable seeing, it's basically pulling double-duty as mood stabilizer and anti-anxiety for the both of us. It's somewhat inconveniencing for me to go without, but historically, it has been actively dangerous for gf.
We're both going to run out soon, which is extremely bad timing. My next paycheck (27th) is going half to my part of the rent, plus an auto-withdrawling credit payment and - if I'm lucky - the auto-withdrawl car payment. I won't have much of anything left to do anything, and by the time I was able to order more, we likely will have already run out at least a few days ago.
I found a website that we were able to save a lot of money on, but the catch is that we need to buy in bulk for the savings to be seen. Since the last time we ordered, the $29.99 flower sale ended, but the gummies have gone slightly down in price, so assuming the sales don't kick in again: the total for this order will be $120.45. (Includes shipping)
$130 covers any transfer fees, as well as 2 ounces of flower and 3 edible bags. This lasts us for a full month!
Whatever extra comes in will go to the car payment and gas. If anything else comes in, it will go to a much-needed oil change.
As usual, if you'd like something for your contribution: go download my zine! Link in pinned 
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