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I see is trending. Is anyone else somewhat jaded on unions? I was excited to get my first union job years ago but it ended up being terrible... Didn't live up to the hype at all.

I'm a socialist now. I don't want to negotiate with CEOs, I want them to cease to exist entirely.

☭ 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 ☭

I'm bored now. You haven't convinced anyone of anything. I'm going to keep being a communist and hating the Ukrainian government, and there's nothing you can do about it. May the Ukrainian government cease to exist and be replaced by a proper socialist government once more, no matter how many dumb anti-communist laws they make to try to prevent it from happening.
#communism #socialism

☭ 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 ☭


This doesn't sound like people freely deciding to hate communism and the Soviet Union collectively. What it is is a government forcing people to not express any liking towards the Soviet Union or communism, whether through speech, artistic expression, literature, etc, under the threat of jail, fines, etc. People must really love communism in the Ukraine if the anti-communist government of Ukraine feels it necessary to make support of it illegal.

☭ 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 ☭


This link you sent me isn't sufficient in proving that even Ukrainians are against the Soviet Union. How could we know what they think regarding the Soviet Union? According to the article, any support or promotion of anything relating to the Soviet Union or communism in general is illegal. People not showing opposition to this law is to be expected since if they showed any opposition to it, they'd likely face legal repercussions.