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@KentNavalesi You're missing the forest for the trees; AI is discovering proteins that don't even exist in nature. Soon we will have custom made drugs for our genetic makeup and disease profiles. It's the same technology as they are using for LLMs. If you don't want to use AI then don't but stay out of the way of people who are trying to build a better future.

𝟜𝟚𝟘 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝟿𝟻

Envision a grim future for humanity in 2030. In this dystopian scenario, remember the ongoing global problems. Visualize how the technology we are currently developing may not have had the desired effect. Picture pollution-filled skies, a stark and deteriorated environment, intelligent machines not serving their purpose, and people huddled together for safety. Despite our desire to advance, we find ourselves in a world of chaos and instability, a stark cautionary tale to our constant strive for technological progress.

#aYearForArt #Generated #AI #future #humans #2030 #realistic #globalproblems #technology #worstscenario #dark