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Anime Animals アニメの動物

This pun's been floating around Japanese Twitter since the manga days, and has resurfaced due to the anime:

マジアベーゼ [Magia Baiser]
マジ ヤベー ゼ [maji yabee ze]

So Magia Basier can be a pun of Maji Yabee Ze:
Maji: really, truly
Yabee -> Yabai: slang for dangerous / amazing
Ze: particle used to show exclamation

So it sorta translates to 'really dangerous!' or 'really amazing!' depending on context.

Tweet reference:

X (formerly Twitter)ガタリノフ (@gatariblue_0) on Xマジアベーゼ…マジヤベーゼ?ついに悪の女幹部ネーム決定である…悪の女幹部って言いづらいので魔法少女みたくもっとわかりやすいネーム誰か開発してくれないかしら #mahoako #まほあこアニメ #まほあこ

Also: What does baiser mean? :meowthinking:

(dated outside Canada) to kiss
(vulgar slang, transitive, intransitive) to fuck, screw
(vulgar slang) to prevail over someone, fuck, screw
(vulgar slang) to break, deteriorate, to fuck up

Oh kaaay... :blobfoxterrified: I mean 'Magical Kiss' sounded so innocent.

Wiktionarybaiser - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Quiet public

@anianimalsmoe In my closest francophone circles, I think "niquer" is more common for the 2nd meaning. "baiser" might still be relatively innocent.

Anime Animals アニメの動物
Quiet public

@smochi I'm actually not surprised about that. Lots of slang gets out of fashion quickly. :meowthinking:

Its usage could also be limited to some circles but not others (e.g. this one excluded French Canada)

SakoeraTyan サクラチャン
Quiet public

@anianimalsmoe @smochi At least, according to Japanese Wikipedia

SakoeraTyan サクラチャン
Quiet public

@anianimalsmoe @smochi I don't have ja-ja dictionaries on hand, to check