This week’s #AniMangaPictureChallenge theme is:
From 2 Loneliest Girls, to 91 member concert orchestras, to the real life music acts behind the openings, closings, and background themes we love, bands play a huge role in #anime and #manga. Show us your favorite band.
Tag your post with #AniMangaFoundIt and @ @apc with your entry. (Do Both to make sure your post is seen!)
Send your entries by March 1st to make sure you're included in the weekly community collage!
@apc Dang I completely forgot about last week's #animangafoundit ! Well this week I won't!
For this week, I thought about doing something older, like Priss and the Destroyers from Bubblegum Crisis, or digging through my archives for something obscure. But I really want to shill for #JellyFishCantSwimintheNight / #YoruKura because this show needs more love. Jelee deserves it.
@closetweeb Oh right, I guess they would be a band.