is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A comfy, non-toxic, and inclusive Anime/Manga/Japanese Media fandom and Japanese Media/Culture Content Creators (Bloggers/Artists/Video Creators/Podcasters/etc.) Mastodon Server

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So lemme get this straight, recent big things for Mastodon:

- Opened up to Facebook who literally helped genocide happen and censors certain posts on their platform, after closed door meetings
- Added AI bro and crypto fucker Amir Ghavi as a board member
- Added a cofounder of Twitter as a board member.

It is becoming reasonable to question if there is a current goal to ensure Mastodon becomes less attractive to its core userbase. Almost like it's being sabotaged on purpose.

Mastodon BlogMastodon forms new U.S. non-profitAs part of our commitment to supporting the growth and operational capabilities of Mastodon, we have established a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity in the United States aimed at facilitating our efforts, including being able to receive tax-deductible U.S. donations.


P.S. This is especially easy to have happen since this open source stuff has this neat lil thing called forking you likely know about. So seriously, consider if you and your tiny team want to lose everything you have to queer and radical programmers fucking sick and tired of all this fucking shit who could probably add features everyone has been begging for faster than you ever could simply thanks to being fueled by spite.

Quiet public

There’s no need for threads. Mastodon is one part of the Fediverse as you know. You and others could simply switch to different platforms and still be attached to the network. No need to get all upset, no need to use Mastodon
Quiet public

@damon This is the point. People will switch en masse if things keep getting shitty and it will lead to loads of confusion because unfortunately, the media and many other places think Fediverse = mastodon.

And now a ton of big name rich assholes keep putting skin in the game to make this place worse... It's almost like... It could be on purpose?!?

I know I can switch! Others do too! It doesn't mean we want one platform to become a shitfest we all have to avoid.

hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1
@literalgrill [] There is so much more than just mastodon in the #fediverse. ;)

@hackbyte Thankfully, you're very right. I hope the folks who want mastodon to keep existing in particular figure that out fast.

Quiet public

At least there are other fediverse platforms. Speaking of which, I need to find a new instance

Kai :neofox_flag_ace: :neofox_flag_nb:
Public Good that we have software options in case things hit the fan. But since too many people are on Mastodon and they don't know about the rest of the Fediverse, this isn't looking good.


@literalgrill @nonlinear Mastodon didn’t “open up” to Facebook or anything else. Mastodon is part of the fediverse. There are many other things on the Fediverse, including Threads, which is Meta’s take on Twitter. The *entire point* of Mastodon is that there’s no central control.

You really should take a moment to understand a little bit about what you’ve chosen to get outraged about.


@dogzilla @literalgrill You reek of condescension. Do not talk to me this way.



@nonlinear @literalgrill Your post reeks of ignorance and avoidance