@literalgrill Come to Europe, our snakes don't have feet.
@dascandy @literalgrill Took me a minute.
If eating a snake; it is better to fillet it rather than making steaks.
But it just tastes like chicken, which is easier to prepare.
No more point than cooking up an alligator (which I have done, but only so that the students at the cooking class could say they had had it).
@michael_w_busch @literalgrill @mekkaokereke I liked alligator, it reminds me of chicken that's a little bit fishy.
@michael_w_busch @literalgrill @mekkaokereke Like the chicken fingers at a place that fries a lot of fish all day.
@neckspike @michael_w_busch @literalgrill @mekkaokereke I wish there was a sustainable alternative to pork. Nothing beats good pork.
@laguiri @michael_w_busch @literalgrill @mekkaokereke Like most things agribusiness, it wouldn't be such an issue if we weren't raising millions of them in incredibly high concentrations and then shipping them worldwide.
@neckspike @literalgrill @mekkaokereke
When I was in grad school in California, I had a part-time job as an assistant for cooking classes.
We did a Cajun night.
The gator was fine. Just not worth shipping 2,000 miles except to say that we had.
@michael_w_busch @literalgrill @mekkaokereke I could see it in south Florida, where Burmese pythons are a very successful invasive species.
@michael_w_busch @literalgrill @mekkaokereke At the same time, it's nice to have something to do with all those invasive pythons.
We've eaten way less convenient critters to extinction
@literalgrill @mekkaokereke How many servings per python?
@literalgrill I see a lot of people not getting the joke here
@otherdracula Yes, but at least someone did!
@literalgrill @mekkaokereke “You guys, people won’t cross the picket line to use NYT Cooking, we could do the *funniest* thing today.”