is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A comfy, non-toxic, and inclusive Anime/Manga/Japanese Media fandom and Japanese Media/Culture Content Creators (Bloggers/Artists/Video Creators/Podcasters/etc.) Mastodon Server

Server stats:

active users

We tried implementing Orion support into our legal stream detection and we hit a snag. The dojavascript Applescript command does not bring any output. It appears to be a bug as it is working, but it won't appear in the next release.

The current Beta release will be the stable release coming out tomorrow. My next goal is to add Mastodon sharing support when I have free time. Also, I need to check if WaniKani adding Kana Vocabulary broke the WaniKani support in KaniManabu. The app needs some love, especially an iOS version as well. Haven't been able to work on it since I'm busy with my blog and other things.