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A comfy, non-toxic, and inclusive Anime/Manga/Japanese Media fandom and Japanese Media/Culture Content Creators (Bloggers/Artists/Video Creators/Podcasters/etc.) Mastodon Server

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This user tried to tell me that their computer won’t take their password, I remote in and their password field had “***” in it. Three characters. I told them that it is impossible for their password to be that short and they tried telling me that I was wrong :ElainaSeemsSus:

Quiet public

@fujiwara I have had to tell so many (especially family members) that if the computer says your password is wrong, it’s most likely your fault.

I mean it happens that some service is down. But 99%+ it’s that someone forgot.

Quiet public

@yon I showed them that I can log into my account just fine, and that they can’t log into another PC with that password either and they were still doubting me. I had them reset their password and they immediately logged in… strange isn’t it?

@fujiwara People like that are either very insecure or firmly believe that nothing is ever their fault (they need to see a professional, they aren’t functional).

One way to deal with the insecure ones is to trick them into thinking they figured it out themselves (they didn’t). They are often afraid of being exposed and doubling down is a defense mechanism.

But wow is it annoying:( Life would be easier if being wrong about trivial stuff wasn’t bad in society and people were more open.