Suisei's BIBBIDIBA (100M) is fast approaching the watch count of Shigure Ui's Shukusei!! Loli Kami Requiem (114M).
BIBBIDIBA is a song about Suisei fighting against direction to act like a princess, and how she's better off as her girlboss self.
Tho to be fair, Loli Kami's watch count was probably aggressively culled and algorithm suppressed by Google to reduce to accusations of supporting PDF. And its hype has died down by a lot by now.
And again, Loli Kami was never meant to go viral. It was an inside joke between Ui and her fans about how they liked her 9 year old avatar (for sharing stories from her childhood) too much as though they were perverts. The lyrics are dark, but it is basically telling the PDFs to stay away or get arrested.