Might want to think twice before handing over that drivers license to social networks for their identity verification like on the site.
@chikorita157 Absolutely nothing good comes from registering people. It’s all going to be used against individuals.
@yon I wouldn’t trust giving my ID to X… it’s a disaster.
The same goes for giving it to a foreign company, you don’t know what they are going to use it for, or that they have secure information security practices. In this case, it seems that a company that is capturing licenses for verification doesn’t care about Information Security.
@chikorita157 Who would you give it to?
It’s all a terrible idea no matter how one twists or turns it. It’s all just corporate Stasi and it will not end well. :(
@yon @chikorita157
Yeah, the only real solution honestly is to have an honest and well managed government to handle identity stuff, since it's their job... they're the ones that issue ID.
The real problem is that the world governments doesn't want to do it, are corrupt AF, and/or just suck at cybersecurity or any tech stuff (see Indonesia) https://time.com/6991488/indonesia-ransom-cyberattack-national-data-center/
@anianimalsmoe @chikorita157 I think the idea of an “internet ID” is bound to fail to be honest. It’s one of those times when the solution is far worse than the problem.
Governments should do a lot, and I’m still in favor of governments over the alternatives. But I’m very disappointed in all of them.
(Also by now *all* info on 99.99% of everyone has been part of a leak. Feels like we need to restructure everything. SSNs in the U.S. for instance is a username and a password and a secret (token) at the same time. Insanity.)