I'm not sure what to feel about season 2 of Under the Skin.
Sad to say but I'm not sure I enjoyed the direction it went. I love when shows experiment but in this particular case it seemed to change too drastically for my liking. The beginning seemingly went along similar lines to season 1 (with episode 4 being the absolute gem in terms of my involvement with the story), but from then on the focus shifted. Aesthetics were still on point, but changing artistic help to psychological profiling (?) and crime prediction (?) didn't feel right for this show. Therefore, the second half of the season seemed too dragged for me. Though I must admit it gave me a new actor I was really impressed with and it’s Zheng Yunlong. No idea who he is but he felt really convincing as the doctor of genetics with hidden agenda and mysterious motives. Didn’t fool me but was a joy to observe. And we have a cliffhanger... wonder which direction season 3 will go.