Who has been using #protonmail for a while?
@ojou how's that been? I just signed up about a week ago and have been trying to move all my accounts over to my domain through proton
@kero I've been happy with it, though I'm hardly a power user, either of it or gmail before it. but I have it for a few personal emails and for a work email (though that email is not super active). it's always been pretty easy to do what I need to do
@kero one thing to keep in mind of course is that while they are almost certainly better re: user privacy than gmail, they aren't perfect. they do collect metadata, and they have been forced to share it with law enforcement. I'm not doing anything super sensitive with these accounts, but if you _are_, I would not rely on their privacy to protect you if it's sensitive enough. if that's a factor for you, I'd read up about the legal cases and how people were caught (backup accounts are a big one)
regardless I don't need that level of protection so I'm ok, I'm mainly happy to have a more privacy conscious service that makes me pay instead of relentlessly selling my data etc