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A comfy, non-toxic, and inclusive Anime/Manga/Japanese Media fandom and Japanese Media/Culture Content Creators (Bloggers/Artists/Video Creators/Podcasters/etc.) Mastodon Server

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Mastodon Migration

Been having this weird experience of observing Threads users increasingly frustrated by their new chosen overlord. It's like watching from behind one-way glass. Wish them well and would like to help out, but they are trapped inside and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about that other than to join them inside, which is, of course, absurd.


@benroyce I guess, though this seems less like a full "embrace" and more like an awkward sidehug!

Mastodon Migration

@benroyce @lalah

Hear you, but there is some really smart commentary, particularly about the election. We are not subjected to the algorithm nonsense, so that's good. It's just bizarre that we only get to see into the fishbowl. Not sure it looks like a big improvement over where they came from. Maybe they will wake up and join open social media when the inevitable terminal enshittification drives them crazy. Or not. Done trying to predict these things.

Ben Royce 🇺🇦

@mastodonmigration @lalah

i think we should just build a better ecosystem. seduce them rather than trying to reason with them

do you have an extra $1 billion lying around? 😅

Mastodon Migration

@benroyce @lalah

Feel like we are on the right track. And it doesn't take someone with $1B, it takes 1B people with $1.

We are here to stay.

wendinoakland for Kamala

@Defiance @benroyce @lalah @mastodonmigration You’ve noticed that Meta is an inside player in socialwebfoundation…

Patrick Morris Miller

@benroyce @lalah @mastodonmigration It's spelled 'defenestrate'.


Oh. Well, do both.


@lalah @mastodonmigration because Zuckerberg doesn't like people tapping the glass.