El Cartero – C64 Demo
“El Cartero” is a platform arcade game where you play the role of a brave postman who travels around the world collecting letters.
El Cartero – C64 Demo
“El Cartero” is a platform arcade game where you play the role of a brave postman who travels around the world collecting letters.
Arcade Game Construction Kit (AGCK) (1988, Brøderbund Software)
The Arcade Game Construction Kit (AGCK) is a special gem in the world of Commodore 64 games, released in 1988 by Brøderbund Software.
Tony, Montezuma’s Gold es un espectacular plataformas para #Commodore64 lleno de acción y con una genial puesta en escena.
Está disponible en https://monochrome-productions.itch.io/tony
"More Fun Making It" creates fun videos about repairing and restoring classic computers and other tech, especially the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amiga etc. You can follow at:
There are already over a hundred videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://makertube.net/a/morefunmakingit/videos
Nordischsound - Belfast Child (by Simple Minds) [8-Bit C64 chiptune cover]
Esta es una conversión a #Commodore64 de Tower of Evil.
Encarnas a Andros y fuiste desterrado hace años por el rey Salimos y sólo puedes regresar a tu país cuando rescates a la princesa Diana, que ha sido secuestrada por un nigromante.
Puedes descargarlo desde https://csdb.dk/release/?id=236959 #retrogaming
Ghostbusters Remaster – In the making!
On the forum lemon64, an enthusiastic developer, named “SingleCopy,” shared his plan to remaster the Commodore 64 version of the classic Ghostbusters game. In addition, he received many suggestions from other users. Here is a summary of the main points.
L Test (1999, Champion Software)
An exciting and educational game for the Commodore 64 that takes players into the world of traffic signs and rules. The aim is to teach young people – and nostalgic adults – the basics of safe driving in a fun way, with colourful C64 graphics and catchy SID music.
CMD RAMLink RAMcard XL v2 with RTC (64mb capable)
C64 Unified Diagnostic Cartridge
The original Dead Test Diagnostic Cartridge is designed to test the C64 and C128/C128D, (C64 Mode), Systems that fail to display video information on Power Up even with the C64 or C128/C128D Diagnostic Assembly installed.
This will make the heart of any Commodore 64 user beat faster…
A section of Rob Hubbard's brilliant Monty on the Run game chiptune performed live on guitar:
Autotest (1990, Byte-Back / Daisy Soft)
Autotest is an undeservedly forgotten gem in the Commodore 64 library, which was developed by Daisysoft and published by Byte-Back in 1990.
Mechanicus (1991, Hitech Studio / CP Verlag)
Step into the world of pinball games with Mechanicus, a captivating pinball experience released in 1991 for Commodore 64. Developed by the talented team at Hitech Studio and published by CP Verlag, this game stands out as a shining example of classic arcade fun.