I'm the Doctor, by the way, what's your name?
Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life!
#doctorwho #ninthdoctor
I'm the Doctor, by the way, what's your name?
Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life!
#doctorwho #ninthdoctor
Maybe I should just get rid of the Main Range folder altogether and just have a `0. Main Range` subfolder for every Doctor and put their episodes there.
Alright, DOCTOR WHO and Delia Derbyshire geeks who happen to play the synth, Spitfire Audio has reduced a BBC Radiophonic Workshop plug-in. The samples here are from the archive tapes! And WHO composer Mark Ayres was involved in assembling this!
Et enfin, vous avez dû suivre mes recommandations de la dernière fois, puisque la nouvelle #DoctorWho "Agents provocateurs" gagne 1 lecture et 1 téléchargement.
@Alexis Maybe Amelia Ducat can join them? #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
I love Professor Rumford. Did Big Finish ever give her a spin off series? #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
The ogri are quite an amusing idea. #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
Where's the raven? Never more. #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
The flat cap has gone, @Alexis #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
I guess this would be one of those occasions when they pulled K-9 along on a string. #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
Hang on, Romana. We'll be there in a moment. #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
Oh, they left her until night time! #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
Weeeooo! I wonder how they'll resolve Romana's cliff faller? #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
Suddenly we're by the sea and on a cliff. I guess they felt some kind of cliff hanger was required... #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
That's not the civilised way to deal with a difference of opinion over druidism. #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
That's a nice crow. #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
A glass of sherry? As Fraisier would say, "what an intriguing proposition?" #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
English manor house. Doctor Who. Creepy cult. Toasted crumpets and Saturday afternoon tea. It's all there. #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
Spooky Crow: check! #TARDISclub #DoctorWho
OK Romana is an assistant. I have to add one more to the count. He's had two then: Jo Grant and Romana. Romana being appointed as assistant by the White Guardian. #TARDISclub #DoctorWho