New firmware for MiST and Sidi!
- Support prof'I'le strings in cores
- Allow selecting IDE hardfiles from the OSD

New firmware for MiST and Sidi!
- Support prof'I'le strings in cores
- Allow selecting IDE hardfiles from the OSD
ZX Spectrum core has been updated for Sidi too
More news on Sidi thanks to tdelage26 (2/2)
- Gameboy core updated with latest commits (update T80) to be on par with SiDi128 release
- FPGAGEN genesis core updated to latest version (auto-detection of Virtua Racing cart and separate core for this game not needed anymore)
More news on Sidi thanks to tdelage26 (1/2)
- PC XT folder + core binary created and updated with latest commits from 2024 (could be found on SomHi repo but binary was outdated)
- SMS-Nuked core binary created (only existed for SiDi128 on official repo)
ZX80/81 core receives an update after 6 years!! Thanks to tdlage26
=== zx8x_250316.rbf ===
- Update T80
- Add Chroma 81 interface
- Add download of CHR file
MiST: https://github.com/tdelage26/mist-binaries/tree/master/cores/zx01
Sidi: https://github.com/tdelage26/SiDi-FPGA/tree/master/Cores/Computer/ZX8X
Apple II/e core has been updated too this weekend on MiST and Sidi. Now you will be able to enjoy Arkanoid with mouse, for example
=== apple2e_250315.rbf ===
- Support saving/loading of CFFA's EEPROM
- Allow selecting the IDE image in the OSD (need fw 250315)
- AppleMouse // support in Slot 5
MiST: https://github.com/mist-devel/mist-binaries/tree/master/cores/appleIIe
Sidi: https://github.com/tdelage26/SiDi-FPGA/tree/master/Cores/Computer/AppleIIe
ZX Spectrum core has been updated on MiST!
=== zxspectrum_250315.rbf ===
- Add profile strings to quicly select a machine
- Connect the AY PIO used for RS232 to UART RX/TX pins
First Look at the Commander X16 GS Prototype
#CommanderX16GS #CommanderX16 #RetroComputing #FPGA #65816 #VintageGaming #HomebrewGaming
What github would I submit an issue to for an issue that affects the #GameGear #FPGA on the #analogue #pocket? Is there a "default" core that runs when you run it off cartridge that's different from if I load in an emu? Issue is in both, fwiw, so it has to be the FPGA (save corrupts it) not my cart or rom
Nobody seems familiar with my problem so maybe it only affects shining force, but it's 100% consistent and very frustrating
Macintosh Plus/SE core has been updated on Sidi too
Just leaving this here for reasons.
for f in **/*.xdb; do
echo $f
KEY=$(openssl kdf -kdfopt digest:SHA1 -kdfopt pass:$(basename $f .xdb) -kdfopt hexsalt:68f40c2a59 -kdfopt iter:1 -keylen 32 PBKDF2 | sed -e 's/://g')
openssl aes-256-cbc -K $KEY -iv d750a6297358021ea094cc46f112cef3 -d -in $f | tail -c+65 > $f.xml
Latest news from Jotego's arcade updates related to our boards
- Hyper Sports sprite regression introduced in last update fixed (JTROADF)
- Flip screen DIP switch now works on Time Scanner set 1 (JTS16B) (MiST only)
- Time Scanner set 3 (JTS16B core) now boots up and works correctly (MiST only)
Macintosh Plus/SE core has been updated on MiST
=== plusToo_250310.rbf ===
- Fix scancode for up-arrow and numpad key mappings (by robinsonb5)
- Fix sound with direct VIA control (by darylrichards)
- Control the Caps Lock LED on the keyboard
Commodore 64 core has been updated on MiST and Sidi
=== C64_250308.rbf ===
- Exchange control port connections (port1 -> PB, port2 -> PA)
- Implement NEOS Mouse
- Fix 1351 for Duck Hunt (MSB always '1')
MiST: https://github.com/mist-devel/mist-binaries/tree/master/cores/fpga64
Sidi: https://github.com/tdelage26/SiDi-FPGA/tree/master/Cores/Computer/C64
PC Engine/Turbografx (which supports the base system, CD-ROM² up to Arcade Card, and Supergrafx systems) core has been udpated on MiST and Sidi
=== tgfx16_250306.rbf ===
Latest SRG320 commits :
- Fix rendering for 7M resolution mode
- Fix timing of sprite evaluation
MiST: https://github.com/tdelage26/mist-binaries/tree/master/cores/pcengine
Sidi: https://github.com/tdelage26/SiDi-FPGA/tree/master/Cores/Console/PCE
Apple IIe core has been updated on Sidi too , thanks to tdelage26.
Apple IIe core has been updated on MiST!
=== apple2e_250226.rbf ===
- Selectable color palettes by Newsdee
- CFFA 2.0 compatible IDE interface in Slot 7
- Super Serial Card RS232 interface in Slot 2
tdelage has put on his repository new and updated cores for Sidi (2/2)
- PET (PET2001_SiDi_250115.rbf): https://github.com/tdelage26/SiDi-FPGA/tree/master/Cores/Computer/PET2001
- Sorcerer (Sorcerer_SiDi_250113.rbf): https://github.com/tdelage26/SiDi-FPGA/tree/master/Cores/Computer/Sorcerer
- TSConf (TSConf_SiDi_250221.rbf): https://github.com/tdelage26/SiDi-FPGA/tree/master/Cores/Computer/TSConf
tdelage has put on his repository new and updated cores for Sidi (1/2)
- Amiga (minimig_SiDi_250203.rbf): https://github.com/tdelage26/SiDi-FPGA/tree/master/Cores/Computer/Amiga
- Atari ST/STe (MiSTery_SiDi_250114.rbf): https://github.com/tdelage26/SiDi-FPGA/tree/master/Cores/Computer/Mistery
- CoCo (CoCo2_SiDi_250221.rbf): https://github.com/tdelage26/SiDi-FPGA/tree/master/Cores/Computer/CoCo
- HT1080Z (ht1080z_SiDi_250210.rbf): https://github.com/tdelage26/SiDi-FPGA/tree/master/Cores/Computer/HT1080Z
News from Jotego arcade cores! (2/2)
- JTSF: fixed punch and kick buttons did not work in alternative Street Fighter sets (JTSF, MiST only)
- Game volume for all cores now controllable via keyboard F4 & F5 keys on all FPGA platforms