At last…
Trust in the Forgotten, Book 1 of the Kovenlore Chronicles seven-book series is live on...
At last…
Trust in the Forgotten, Book 1 of the Kovenlore Chronicles seven-book series is live on...
#WritersCoffeeClub 21 (Part Two)
When you're tired, you oversleep, then you're out of sorts and miss great opportunities to share things you'd love to share.
Today for example.
So, here's what I call Riparia's Origin Poem, which begins each novel in the Kovenlore Chronicles series.
I wrote it the same month I decided to substitute Riparia for the old MC. I've never regretted that decision.
#WritersCoffeeClub 18
awkward moments
I’ve written far, far too many awkward moments to list, let alone rank. If a MC has a vulnerability, I find a way for them to wade-in up to their necks.
Riparia, in Kovenlore Chronicles, is socially awkward & endlessly rewards me. The more personal the moment, the more awkward. She even loses arguments with her horse, Doppla (who doesn’t talk).
Snippet: Book1, Trust in the Forgotten.
New illustration! This fantastic #ShortStory is weird, tense, grimly hopeful, has striking visuals, and there's almost nothing i love drawing more than creepy #birbs
Read "Update: The Buildings Are Hungry and The Plague Can Speak" by Natalia Theodoridou at https://psychopomp.com/update-the-buildings-are-hungry/
c.f. the short story "God's Hooks!" by Howard Waldrop.
Apparently set shortly after the Great Fire of London, it starts as kind of slice of life vignette about a gathering of dudes who just love eating and catching fish. Toward the end takes on themes of faith, obsessive pursuit of The Big One, and apocalypse.
I'm reading for the excellent Strong Women, Strange Worlds next Thursday, March 20 at 4:00 PDT/7:00 EDT—with all these fantastic writers of speculative fiction! These online readings are free—and there are prizes! Sign up at https://www.eventbrite.com/o/strong-women-strange-worlds-33460611105 to attend. See you there? @Writing_Norse #Bookstodon #FreeBooks #AuthorReading #WomenAuthors #EnbyAuthors #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Horror #FantasyFiction #HorrorFiction
#ScribesAndMakers 13
Kovenlore Chronicles is a 7-novel #adventure #romantasy series, Riparia Dellbane the unlikely heroine pulled into helping save dystopian Carrdia. There’s elaborate worldbuilding & a diverse cast.
All 7 novels (plus 2 novellas) are already written.
The 1st book in the series, Trust in the Forgotten, is published, the sequel coming in late spring. Currently on Amazon, it’ll eventually go wide.
I've finally got around to reading M. John Harrison's 'Viriconium' stories. It's kind of Michael Moorcock meets Mervyn Peake round Jack Vance's house, and contains some of the best writing I've ever encountered.
#fantasy #fantasyfiction #newwave #mjohnharrison #viriconium #bookstodon @bookstodon
Never act incautiously when confronting skinny smiling people in funny outfits.
#flashfiction #fantasyfiction #shortstory #writingprompt
Annabel Campbell's 'The Outcast Mage' is a thriller full of politics, magic, dragons, and high emotional stakes. It wasn't really my cup of tea, but a lot of fantasy fans will love it.
#fantasy #fantasyfiction #latinmakesmagichappen #books #annabelcampbell #theoutcastmage #theshatteredlands #bookstodon @bookstodon
I found Tasha Suri's 'The Oleander Sword' a very compelling and atmospheric book, with plausible worldbuilding, and a very weighty and consequential approach to magic. Very striking prose too, which I've rarely found in my efforts to get up to speed with contemporary fantasy. Highly recommended.
#fantasy #fantasyfiction #epicfantasy #tashasuri #theburningkingdoms #theoleandersword #books #bookstodon @bookstodon
About Cain A Fox • He/They/Fae • 33 yo
Sub Bi/Pan #Queer Trans Masc
#Astrology Aquarius Sun/Moon/Mercury • Aries Rising
sfw interests: #DoctorWho #Witchcraft #FantasyFiction #SciFi #GenshinImpact #Reading #Horror #MediaDiscussion #Tattoos
nsfw interests: #PraiseKink #CumSlut #SizeKink #ImpactPlay #SpicyContentCreator #KnotSlut
In this news cycle, what could be better than stories that entertain…and end when they’re supposed to? For that, Story Hour turns to SFF writers Laurence Raphael Brothers and Jean-Paul L. Garnier! Join us Wednesday at 7:00 PST! #StoryHour2020 #StoryHour2020 #ShortStories #ShortFiction #AuthorReading
#Bookstodon #FantasyFiction #ScienceFiction #SFF #LaurenceRaphaelBrothers #Jean-PaulLGarnier @laurence @spacecowboybooks https://www.storyhour2020.com/
To anyone following my #fantasyfiction and #WorldBuilding, I have a new article up about Azachet, one of the members of Findat's investigative team.
She's not a contradiction...just a bit of a paradox.
#WorldAnvil #Fantasy
This week, two SF (as in San Francisco) Bay Area writers will read us their SF (as in speculative fiction) stories. Yes, Marion Deeds and Cliff Winnig are returning to Story Hour! Join us Wednesday at 7:00 PST! #StoryHour2020 #FantasyFiction #ScienceFiction #SFF #MarionDeeds #CliffWinnig #Bookstodon https://www.storyhour2020.com/
One of my current reads, A Language of Dragons by S.F. Williamson. I'll be reviewing soon. @bookstodon @fantasybookstodon @fantasy #fantasybooks #reading #books #dragons #alanguageofdragons #fantasyfiction
I’m very behind reading fiction magazines, about a year behind in fact. Interzone 297 was up to its usual exacting standards, with some excellent non-fiction (although, am I alone in NOT wanting book reviews to include a detailed synopsis?) Fav story: ‘Lights of the New World’ by Paul E. Franz
#sf #sff #sffh #sffh+ #sciencefiction #fantasy #fantasyfiction #horror #horrorfiction #shortstories #shortfiction #interzone #bookstodon @bookstodon @InterzoneMag
This week's blog post:
The Character Who's Both Protagonist and Antagonist
#AmWriting #WritingCommunity #Writers #Writing #WorldOfOntyre #Fantasy #Fiction #FantasyFiction #Readers #Protagonist #Antagonist
'The Blue Star' by Fletcher Pratt is a fascinating, and beautifully crafted gem of a mid-twentieth century fantasy novel, that often reads more like historical fiction. I was completely immersed in its world.
#fantasy #fantasyfiction #ballantineadultfantasy #fletcherpratt #lincarter #thebluestar #books #bookstodon @bookstodon
#WordWeavers 03
That after more than two decades of practicing, learning craft, & developing my world, I at last pushed through self-doubt & anxiety & published my first novel last November.
Trust in the Forgotten is the first book in The Kovenlore Chronicles series, & the entire series is already written (more than that is written, too).
It took too long, but I did it. Don’t let it take you too long.