#Tesla #TeslaTakedown #DumpYourTesla #ElonMusk #DOGE #Cybertruck #MAGA #TrumpCoup #TrumpRegime #PunchNazis #fascists
Don't Tread On Me
and don't turn me upside down
@timberwraith Just for the record, paint and/or wrap doesn't help the appearance of the stealth dumpster. There is one which I see regularly that has been wrapped for a pool cleaning service, one that was painted black, another that was painted white, and even one painted like the General Lee from Dukes of Hazzard.
SoCal is full of them, and society would be better if each and every one caught fire.
The finish is shite, which is remarkable. #fascists usually have a better sense of appearance.
I think #RFKJunior is not only aware, he gave the order. And I'll think so until I see proof to the contrary.
I'm done giving the benefit of the doubt to #fascists.
because who in their right mind would come to the US of A for any reason?
@heidilifeldman @democracydocket Do any lawyers or law firms receiving support from @democracydocket promise not to cave like #PaulWeiss ?
#Resist and #DoNotComply with #fascists in #USpol.
@TeflonTrout @DemocracyMattersALot
That's from over 2 years ago, while he was still President.
Was this #townhall limited to just #fascists or did they allow #Democrats in?
How ironic it is to remember that it's the far-right that has been constantly bragging about 'free speech' like crybabies for being canceled by 'political correctness.' What a bunch of ridiculous snowflakes. In such fascist climate, we can only say that 'woke have balls.'
Live Free Or Die? Not NH senators, apparently. Both voted for cloture on the fascist CR put forward by republicans. Embarrassing.
Jeanne Shaheen
Maggie Hassan
Tell these cowards what you think of them. And let them know you'll support anyone who chooses to run against them in the primary. New Hampshire deserves better.
@MatWright @hannu_ikonen @GottaLaff
As a mentally ill person, craven selling-out to corporate bribery is not a treatable ailment
Other means may be required besides reopening institutions
Perhaps a good forfeiture of properties and seizure of assets will be more on point
Since #Fascists exterminated the #disabled first, it’s important we don’t help them do it again
The tactics of autocrats
It's part of a game plan
by Ann Telnaes
Mar 10, 2025
"Trump and his toadies are threatening judges, activists, and the press."
Town #elections today. There's basically never a choice of people--exactly as many people run as there are slots to fill.
But on budget items I have a policy
1. Vote *for* everything that will cost money because it is almost certainly the better option and will also piss off #fascists...
2. ...vote *against* anything the #police want
Let them have a bake sale for once.