Today's #AnimeKnockoff is this TOHO Cinemas knockoff, SOHO Cinemas from "Love Is Indivisible by Twins".
Today's #AnimeKnockoff is this TOHO Cinemas knockoff, SOHO Cinemas from "Love Is Indivisible by Twins".
Today's #AnimeKnockoff is this Denny's family restaurant knockoff, Benny's from "Love Is Indivisible by Twins".
Twice in one episode.
I'm wondering if the LN had scenes like this, or were they inspired by #FUWAMOCO. They literally did a collab on the Ending Theme.
#FUWAMOCO deflected the multiple questions about the currently ongoing Twins anime... Probably because they were trying to keep this collab cover under wraps.
Today's #AnimeKnockoff is this LaLaport knockoff, RoRoport form "Love Is Indivisible by Twins".
Today's #AnimeKnockoff is this Saizeriya family restaurant knockoff, Yazerisa from "Love Is Indivisible by Twins".
Today's #AniAnimal is Ein the cat from "Love Is Indivisible by Twins".
今日の #アニアニマル は『恋は双子で割り切れない』の猫のアインです。
More info and other AniAnimals at: https://www.anianimals.moe/scene/frjHp87JqtjpvkjMWwmH1Q/
Finally, we meet Ein-kun, the fluffy cat in #LoveIsIndivisibleByTwins
Today's #AnimeKnockoff is this 7-Eleven knockoff, 12 from "Love Is Indivisible by Twins".
Still waiting for this cat from the Opening Theme to appear in #LoveIsIndivisibleByTwins
Today's #AniAnimal is this cutaway scene of a crow from "Love Is Indivisible by Twins".
今日の #アニアニマル は『恋は双子で割り切れない』のカットシーンのカラスです。
More info and other AniAnimals at: https://www.anianimals.moe/scene/LblKYLMBDgMCfD807tnrC0/
Today's #AnimeKnockoff is this SHEIN knockoff, SHEEN from "Love Is Indivisible by Twins".
The fourth episode of Love is Indivisible by Twins. Seems we're hitting a difficult point as Naori and Jun go out on a date and Jun's mind is elsewhere much of the time. The tells for Naori keep stacking up, and it comes to a crescendo here. Curious what's next now. #anime #KoiwaFutagodeWarikirenai
And the third episode of Love is Indivisible by Twins. We've established both relationships, now's the time to start making things messy with past feelings shared and conflicting lines drawn, eh? #anime #KoiwaFutagodeWarikirenai
I wouldn’t have checked out Love Is Indivisible By Twins if I hadn’t heard it’s good, because the setup sounds like a tired romance trope… but it’s written in a way that really makes me sympathize with both sisters and also makes it believable that both would have fallen for the same guy. The episode was also just told in an interesting way showing both of their perspectives separately.
They were making pop culture references that made me think they shouldn’t know that at their age and had to remember what I already watched when I was twelve…
I can’t fathom what will happen next after what already transpired in the first episode but I want to know.
Today's #AniAnimal are this tiger and crocodile from Naori's imagination in "Love Is Indivisible by Twins".
今日の #アニアニマル は『恋は双子で割り切れない』で 那織 が想像した虎とワニです。
More info and other AniAnimals at: https://www.anianimals.moe/scene/f0f35RxqKMP_X_lcPhxbgp/