Been busy managing stuff, the result is something close to a touring schedule...I guess
Here's some info on our next two dates:
22.03. Musikzentrale #Nürnberg w/CIRCVIT, DROWN THE SUN, NIGHT WANDERER
29.03. Haus Metternich #Koblenz w/FAILED STAR, BUILT TO FALL, GORDON BISHOP
But there's more to come - in fact the year is getting busier than we expected! Stay tuned if you'd like to know when we'll make it to your area
And have a beautiful weekend of course!
I just found out from a toot by @inanedirk that a new Steven Wilson album is coming out today. I'll listen to it later when I'm at home and have the necessary peace and quiet. For now, the music needs to be a bit more aggressive... #NowPlaying Brainwashed by While She Sleeps
Been giving #Kardeshev a spin today. the band keeps growing on me. Good mix of #ProgMetal, #DeathMetal with a hint of #Metalcore that doesn't ruin it. The singers falsetto really gives it a wonderful edge.
New album out this year, so am looking forward to that.
Their 2023 release:
#JIdol I think I may have gush all over #Amaterasu last night. I love to see her back on stage. Super nice that she remembers me as a longtime stan, all the way back to her debut. It’s been a rough trip, I hope this unit sticks, because #YabatanienJuria is great too. A match made in idol ¿heaven? #MetalCore
#JIdol Great line up for this weekend
Lyricholic, DiableVoix and Crazed Brain.
Crazed Brian has added Amaterasu formerly with Melancholic Cinderella Story to their lineup.
Just needs Satanic Punish for a full house of #Metalcore screamers.
We had the chance to interview symphonic metalcore band FATHOMLESS SKYWALKER and review their debut album "Anthems of the Resilient". Many thanks to JPU Records!
Interview with FATHOMLESS SKYWALKER: “We would be so happy if our music could become a part of the world that each of you carries within yourself”
Album Review: FATHOMLESS SKYWALKER – Anthems of the Resilient
Poppy chose violence
Cost of Giving Up ( Live on Jimmy Fallon )
On the flip side to this, what is your favourite #Metalcore album of all time? Mike might be The Oncoming Storms by Unearth
Sorry to my #Metalcore buddies
Just snagged my ticket to go see Make Them Suffer on the 16th. Have been a fan of this band for 15 years now and this will be my first time seeing them
Mama mia, "God Fearing Man" by Imminence is an epic banger
"This song goes out to everybody that I love to fuckin' hate!" Queens of metal I fear
Spiritbox - "Soft Spine ft. Poppy - Louder Than Life 2024"
So suddenly it feels like I woke from a dream
And everything that happened to me
Was a talisman I threw like a stone
You constantly infantilize, passionless in a passive life
Entitlement just to pull out every seam
Spiritbox - "Keep Sweet"
Spiritbox' new album is out!
It's not on Bandcamp, yet
Is it thursday yet?
Architects x House of Protection - Brain Dead
// #Metalcore #Hardcore #Metal #Music #Architects #HouseOfProtection
#MusicMonday! Architects - "Elegy"
Way to open an album!
All my Monday picks in one convenient playlist: