Quoi ?
Je démarre une "émission culturelle" sur Youtube ?
Rien que ça...
#culture #Littérature #Japon #Naoshima
Quoi ?
Je démarre une "émission culturelle" sur Youtube ?
Rien que ça...
#culture #Littérature #Japon #Naoshima
So, the cat is out of the bag, I'm launching a newsletter about the Setouchi Islands and my area.
You can subscribe there if you want:
#Japan #art #islands #SetouchiTriennale #ArtSetouchi #Kagawa #Naoshima
Japan Art Islands [japanartislands.com]
So, the cat is out of the bag, in the wake of many things, I'm launching a newsletter about the Setouchi Islands and my area (I'm still using Setouchi Explorer too, I will be experimenting a lot this year, I guess that will also give me motivation to post more).
You can subscribe there if you want:
Happy New Year from the Seto Inland Sea.
(fun fact: on the pic with the cormorants, it's #Naoshima in the background and the Yellow Pumpkin is on the picture - it's just a few pixels, one day I'll show it to you with a good zoom)
À l'extérieur du Lee Ufan Museum sur Naoshima.
#art #Japon #Naoshima #LeeUfan
À l’extérieur du Lee Ufan Muse... [www.ogijima.fr]
À l'extérieur du Lee Ufan Museum sur Naoshima.
À l’extérieur du Lee Ufan Museum sur Naoshima
Aujourd’hui, un post assez bref, juste quelques photos de la partie extérieure du Lee Ufan Museum sur Naoshima.
Pourquoi seulement l’extérieur ? Bon déjà, il n’est pas autorisé de prendre des photos à l’intérieur, et dans l’ensemble, je crois que je préfère l’extérieur à l’intérieur en fait.
La grande arche s’appelle « La Porte de l’Infini » (en français […]
Outside the Lee Ufan Museum on Naoshima.
Outside the Lee Ufan Museum on Naoshima.
#Japan #art #Naoshima #LeeUfan
Outside the Lee Ufan Museum on... [www.setouchiexplorer.com]
On m'informe qu'un roman français se déroulant sur Naoshima vient de sortir.
S'il y a des gens intéressés... Et s'il y a des gens qui veulent le lire et venir nous en parler ici, n'hésitez pas.
What? Two Naoshima ferries at once? What is that sorcery?
Hypothesis one: there were so many people on Naoshima yesterday, they had to run an extra ferry (unlikely, while it's "Silver week" I've never seen do that, even at the height of the Triennale (sometimes an extra small boat, but never a full size ferry)
Hypothesis two: the regular one is going to get maintenanced in Takamatsu and the second one is its replacement.
Aftermath by Thai artist Pannaphan Yodmanee is a truly stunning artwork that has recently been relocated to Naoshima (from Shodoshima.)
After speaking to the Deep Dive podcast about Japan's "inconvenient art" movement, Thu-Huong Ha has compiled a list of the best sites to visit if you're up for the trek. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2024/06/07/art/naoshima-art-sites-festivals-japan/ #culture #art #naoshima #echigotsumari #notopeninsula #niigata #ishikawa #kagawa