Here we go, I made the Cali Reference Sheet with real stickers on it :"D #MastoArt #TraditionalArt #AnalogMedia #MixedMedia #Watercolors #AcrylicPaint #Stickers
Here we go, I made the Cali Reference Sheet with real stickers on it :"D #MastoArt #TraditionalArt #AnalogMedia #MixedMedia #Watercolors #AcrylicPaint #Stickers
Okay, so one thing that is not great on Signal is that we don't have built-in access to Tenor.
Does anyone know of good sticker packs that have nice "good boy", "good girl", "good enby" stickers???
New stickers are up, and look even better than I expected!
There's only 10 in this test run, so get'em while they are hot!
Dedicated to my friend @SrRochardBunson a scoundrel and zine-lover if I ever saw one. Like a few other images I've shared over the last three months, this one from my "real camera" was also seen in an alley in downtown Flagstaff Arizona on a dreary morning early. I wondered what the metal plate was originally bolted to the exterior wall to cover. Perhaps a coal shute opening. It was fun to read the many stickers and somehow they surrounded but did not cover the graffiti, maybe one with some sort of meaning. In any case, a found abstract image.
#Flagstaff #Arizona #Stickers #Wall #MyPhoto
Thirty lonely but beautiful actions you can take right now:
4. Print out little stickers. Write a message on them. Put them up on poles, in restrooms, at gas stations. Make them pithy, but focus on the person you might imagine reading it. Don’t lead with “Trump and Musk are fascists” however true that might be. The people for whom that message is appealing are already with us. Instead, say “Trump and Musk don’t care about you.”
5. Buy some chalk. Put it in your bag. Find a good spot and write in big bold letters “Trump and Musk look out for billionaires. Who is looking out for you?”
This is a great article on the little things we all can do to help grow the grassroots including sticker activism.
"Thirty lonely but beautiful actions you can take right now which probably won't magically catalyze a mass movement against Trump but that are still wildly important"
Why? Because others will see you do them, and it will make it easier for them to take their own (slightly less lonely but equally beautiful) action by your side
I will make a
Burn Them All sticker by nhoj (https://nellucnhoj.com/post/778099812723818496/tumblr-bluesky-facebook-instagram-support)
Donwloadable at: https://s.42l.fr/BURNTHEMALL
Still getting the hang of this new shop platform. I was really spoiled by how easy etsy made everything, until they didn't.
Oh well. Here's another sticker in my shop. This one is inspired by Chemistry, and I programmed a particle system to create the image.
unhinged critter sticker selection from my shop
Beep Boop: Alien hates doing #selfPromo so made a bot to do it instead!
Like my #art ? Like #stickers ? Like #mailArt ?
Become a supporter on Ko-fi to get all of the above!
check out https://alien-sunset.neocities.org for all the cool things I do!
These moss-covered objects blend the futuristic with the forgotten, bringing an overgrown aesthetic to your journal, laptop, or planner.