After 15 years of austerity, there's just not much fat on the bone anymore. Everyone can see that.
I'd rather see #Labour shut down some #Tory grifts and focus on building revenue with more #TaxTheRich
But heck, I don't own a newspaper to pressure the government into doing what I want.
Well I certainly didn't have #BrianEno coming out in support of #TaxingTheRich on my bingo card but he's not wrong and his timing is perfect.
Bernie Sanders And AOC Draw The Biggest Political Crowd In Denver Since Obama 2008
Falsche Berechnungen zur Ausländerkriminalität in Kriminalstatistiken |
Abgesehen davon wird die Statistik schon allein durch #racialprofiling verfälscht.
Aber hey, wenn Fritze sagt, #Migration ist unser größtes Problem, weil das einfach so viel einfacher ist als #taxtherich & was gegen die #klimakatastrophe zu unternehmen, dann hat er ganz bestimmt ganz sicher vielleicht Recht, wenn er nicht grad wegen was anderem lügt.
Remember, you are not alone in wanting a better world and #UBI
There are plenty of people out there who think like you and who also take action. Take action with us and vote for people who want the same future that you want.
One example: who wants to tax billionaires and create a fairer society for all
@ianb I'm a big fan of Gary and his sentiment is bang-on, but as @RichardJMurphy points out there are huge practical difficulties in implementing a wealth tax, and there's no real need to since you can tax the rich very effectively by eliminating all the loopholes that they use to avoid tax on their income.
#wealth #economics #inequality #taxtherich
Half an acre house. They must loathe each other.
"their 26,000-square-foot Westmount mansion - so large it has its own postal code"
The really sick thing about all of this, and sick doesn't begin to capture the cruelty and despicability of it all, but it's all for Billionaire Tax Cuts? ffs?
#TaxtheRich #EattheRich #AllRepublicansaretheSame
#NoBillionaires #TaxTheRich #EatTheRich
The fact that so many important research projects were cancelled by DOGE and NOT A SINGLE BILLIONAIRE took over the funding for (checks notes), Childhood Cancer Research for $190 million.
This is why I keep telling you how these billionaires are completely immoral.
The meetings may be tense, but they won't budge, and they will be condemned for it.
Rightly so, the cowards
"Over 300,000 excess deaths have been attributed to austerity, which also saw
significant rises in child poverty, homelessness, crime rates, health
inequality, and a decline in life expectancy."
Anything but Tax The Rich
Wir brauchen weniger Umverteilung von Jung zu Alt und mehr Umverteilung von Reich zu Arm. In Deutschland wird Arbeitseinkommen hoch besteuert und Vermögen so niedrig wie in kaum einem anderen Land. #TaxTheRich #Vermögenssteuer
IF only I had a dollar for ever time I hear that the "system" needs to be changed and that the "system" is at fault and the "system" keeps us in badly paid jobs....
Well, let's change the system. Yes, we can. One example of a country that did things differently in 2008, look at Iceland which imprisoned bankers after 2008 financial crisis.
#taxtherich in which way, if any, are the rich taxed in your country?
The focus of my question lays on business' profit tax, tax on wealth, tax on inheritance, flat rates vs. progressive rates, taxes paying for social benefits etc.
"Dafür ist kein Geld da!"
Übersetzung: "Dafür möchten wir die Reichen nicht zur Kasse bitten."
The economy is supposedly doing well, but your #paycheck isn’t. #Billionaires add millions to their wealth every day, but you’re told to “just work harder.”
What if the problem isn’t you? What if the #system is designed to keep people struggling? What if billionaires and corporations were taxed the same way you are?
#UBI shifts the balance. It gives power back to #people instead of #corporations
For there to be too many dollars, or pounds sterling or whatever, chasing too few goods and services - skewing "supply and demand" and causing runaway inflation - national spending has to exceed productive capacity. That's why every nation that has ever experienced hyperinflation, had to have the supply side of its economy destroyed first. That hasn't happened here in the UK, nor (yet) in America.
There's no reason to cut spending, it's a political choice by the wealthiest.
Das schreit doch nach #BoykottLieferando
Ich korrigiere den Standard mal:
"Der #Essenszusteller feuert, wie DER STANDARD berichtete, mehr als 600 Boten und sattelt auf #Arbeitssklaven um."