Issue 315 is out now! Go give it a read on https://furryweekly.com or through the link in our bio, and don't forget to tell us what you think!
Issue 315 is out now! Go give it a read on https://furryweekly.com or through the link in our bio, and don't forget to tell us what you think!
The weekend’s coming to a close but we have a brand new issue to bring you! Issue 314 is live on https://furryweekly.com or through the link in our bio! You might notice from the cover, we have a new segment to share with you too, so go check it out along with everything else and let us know what you enjoyed the most! Remember we’re always looking out for your comments!
Here’s more stuff you can expect that we couldn’t fit on the cover!
We’re finally back! Huge thanks for your patience! We’re hoping this will be the start of our return to weekly issues, but please bear with us as we keep working on our staffing issues! Issue 312 is up on https://furryweekly.com as always, or through the link in our bio!
The final issue of the year is here! We got more info about what’s next for us in the announcements section near the top of the issue. You can find it all on https://furryweekly.com as usual, or through the link in our bio!
We hope you enjoy this issue! And please let us know what you think! Always looking out for your comments!
New issue has dropped! As always you can read it on https://furryweekly.com or through the link in our bio!
We have a ton of content to share with you this time so please tell us what you think; remember we're always looking for your comments!
We're not joking when we say we have a ton of stuff this week; check out a bit more of our content lineup we couldn't fit on the cover!
We’re back! The past two months have been a bit challenging for us at Furry Weekly but we’re in a much better spot to bring you new issues again! We have a lot to share with you this week so we hope you’ll check out this latest issue we just published on https://furryweekly.com!
Here’s more of our lineup we couldn’t fit on the cover!
Our latest issue is up! As always, you can read it on https://www.furryweekly.com, or just click the link in our bio! We have a near-full issue full of content, so we hope you enjoy, and don't forget to tell us what you liked the most!
Issue 289 cover is by https://www.instagram.com/avalon.yjrn/ featuring https://linktr.ee/finntheaussie and https://linktr.ee/aktikaani on the Fursuit Focus segment! We'll show you some of their fursuit outings and overall activity in the fursuiting scene!
We'll have a new issue of Furry Weekly for you real soon, but in the meantime, check out the current issue on our website! https://www.furryweekly.com/
The cover for issue 287 is by https://www.instagram.com/cherkim98/ and features https://www.instagram.com/oomanagarcha/ as the Furry of the Week! Learn how to avoid AI art scams with their helpful tips!
Be sure to read and let us know what you think! And stay tuned for issue 288 coming soon!
We're so happy to finally be here on the Fediverse!
Furry Weekly is a digital magazine centered around the furry community. We feature art, writing, music, fursuits, animals, raffles, interviews, commissions, and even more - entirely by furries, for furries. New issues every weekend!
Part of Furry Weekly’s mission is to showcase the work of people in the fandom. Many of our segments rely on submissions from YOU, the furry community! You can use the following hashtags to nominate someone or submit your work for us to share and review every week!
#WritingShowcase - Submit your literature! Short stories, novels, poems, and anything else that’s written is welcome! We review your work and its best highlights, and offer light feedback.
There's so much more to Furry Weekly than can fit in this post, so head over to http://furryweekly.com/ to see all the segments and what they're about! We're excited to get to know all you lovely Fediverse furs!