International Working Women's Day in Mexico City
International Working Women's Day in Mexico City
We have an excellent video from the march on Saturday. With a beautiful rendition of the Union Army marching song, #BattleHymnOfTheRepublic
#50501Chicago #WomensMarch #FightForDemocracy #InternationalWomensDay
#Chicago #50501Movement #GemmesForFemmes #WomensRights #Illinois #PeacefulProtest #Protest #BuildTheResistance #Indivisible
We are many, we are strong. This Regime is not America.
We Are America.
Today's top ten tag trends:
10: #ミクの日2025
9: #dst
8: #snl
7: #starlink
6: #tatort
5: #internationalwomensday
4: #caturday
3: #retrovideogameashow
2: #SilentSunday
1: #ListeningClub
Bt https://fedibird.com/@zpitschi/114133615802888325
とりあえず第一テレビ(ARD)、3月8日夜8時からのTagesschau (全国民
@selzero @Donatella LOL yeah, this is absurd. And the people are paying for it. I saw a video from one of the marches yesterday (#InternationalWomensDay) where six officers were just standing around a cybertruck. One CYBERTRUCK
“I honor women doing labor organizing and community outreach. I honor cis and trans women, immigrant women, stay at home moms, women in the fields, women cleaning bathrooms, women running businesses, women making art…”
Einen Tag zu spät aufgrund 8.März-Stress, aber better late than never…
PS: Und es gibt auch post-Frauen*tag noch einiges auf @8maerz bzw. https://8maerz.at
In Georgia yesterday, thousands of women turned up to protest against the government on International Women's Day.
It was also the 101st day of continuous protests in Georgia where women have been front and centre of the protests since day 1.
I came out almost a year ago, so the last 12 months have had a lot of firsts. Yesterday was another one: my first Women’s day march as an out trans woman. It is very easy to forget how easily rights can be taken away. It’s much easier and quicker for that to happen than the other way around. This is why we must continue showing up and standing up, for queer women, for bipoc women, for disabled women, for all women, everywhere. The fight is not over until we are all equal. No one is free until we are all free.
I did the banner I am holding on the first photo myself. It’s a famous slogan from the pro-abortion rights movement but I am co-opting for trans health care. It is still immensely difficult to have access to basic health care. The processes we have to go through to just have hormone treatment are infantilising, demeaning and, at times, even humiliating. It is our bodies and therefore it should our choice, and our choice only, what we do with them. The barriers currently in place remove the control we have over our own bodies. This is the ultimate struggle, for all women: in the eyes of the patriarchy, our bodies are never truly ours.
In Afghanistan on #InternationalWomensDay women have no rights at all. The Taliban is a hate cult that despises women. Women aren’t allowed near the windows of their own homes.
Women there have fought with guns against the Taliban. The protesters have gone missing.
There is a little old man who has been illegally delivering books to little girls, so they can get an education. He risks flogging and death.
Women expats from Afghanistan have been helping get information to the west.
Happy International Women's Day to all women and cis women
Happy #InternationalWomensDay !! One of me is a ghost woman named ila!
Shes had a very... complicated several lives
shout out to women btw im one of those and it's kinda awesome #InternationalWomensDay
For #internationalwomensday I’m watching a movie with a strong woman. One of the first movies I remember seeing with a woman who wasn’t “just” a “mom”, or “girlfriend” or “love interest”. (Not that any of those things are”just” anything)
Which is ironic, because she literally just called herself “the mother of the future” in this scene.
But of course, she becomes much more than that, especially in subsequent movies.
Sarah Connor became more than a strong woman, she became the saviour of the human race by preparing her son for his responsibility. That’s a fairly high pedestal.
Also, Arnold’s animatronic double is ridiculous in this movie. But @Tree says the real Arnold has a nice bare bum.
#iwd2025 #terminator
Disabled women are more likely to experience abuse than their non disabled peers.
We’re often trapped with caregivers who treat us badly & lack the financial support to leave. We may also be physically dependent on the abuser for basic activities of daily living.
Many disability benefits are cut if you marry or cohabitate, which further enforces dependency.
For International Women’s Day help us fight for a universal basic income, better social and medical support and access so that we may regain as much autonomy as possible.
I can verify
No Progress has been made
By Husbands Everywhere Ltd.
Husband using computer
Me: "Would you mind opening the window?"
Husband gets out of chair,
dims room lighting and sits down.
H: "Is that better, Dear?"
As an American transgender woman, I feel pretty shitty on this International Women's Day. My government is aggressively telling the world that people like me don't belong and should not be celebrated or even acknowledged. They are backing that up with policy changes, erasing us from history, and using language that paints us as deceitful predators.
I can't go back. I won't go back.
I won't give up either.
But I'm still scared and powerless.
If you have a transgender woman in your life as family, friend, or acquaintance, please take a moment to remind them that they matter and that their identify is valid.
It could save a life.