Edit: this is thankfully not my IUD.
Still go get your IUD changed, if you're using a Ballerine IUD though!
Also, if you weren't aware, you can get pregnant on T! Be safe out there!
Edit: this is thankfully not my IUD.
Also, if you weren't aware, you can get pregnant on T! Be safe out there!
Saheli, a 'non-steroidal non-hormonal contraceptive pill'. Saheli dosage starts 1 pill per half-week for ... (?), then 1 pill weekly. Basically induce a brief, mini-menopause that stops when you stop the pills. https://saheliinfo.com/clinical-evidence
Then! ONE-YEAR vaginal ring Annovera. Unlike monthly-ish vaginal rings, (https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/6449/smpc) this thicker vaginal ring holds enough for 13 cycles with one week bleeding breaks, or 12 if you skip periods. Think "buff NuvaRing". https://www.annoverahcp.com/
Speaking of intra-uterine system / device options: the UK does several! We are no longer stuck with the larger, higher dose Mirena hIUS. https://www.mirena.co.uk/ I want the smaller, lower dose (but shorter duration) Jaydess https://www.fsrh.org/Public/Public/Documents/ceu-product-review-jaydess-apr-14.aspx or Kyleena. https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/769/smpc
(You can fit a non-hormonal IUD copper coil as emergency contraception, within 10 days of unprotected sex. Fitting it as regular birth control anytime otherwise is also fine, when not pregnant.) https://patient.info/sexual-health/long-acting-reversible-contraceptives-larc/intrauterine-contraceptive-device
Finally, vasectomy. New part is "I found multiple cases where doctors did their own vasectomies". This may be helpful for hesitant cis men and AMAB people to know. Vasectomies are reversible ("easily", according to a medical nerd friend, but obv different people's bodies respond to things in weird, cool ways, so everything depends). https://www.baus.org.uk/_userfiles/pages/files/Patients/Leaflets/Vasectomy.pdf
I am not a doctor. Even if I were, I am not YOUR doctor. I do not have access to your medical records.
I'm just infodumping useful info to prevent unwanted pregnancies, minimise unplanned pregnancies, and mitigate risks. https://cks.nice.org.uk/topics/contraception-sterilization/management/male-sterilization-vasectomy/
Will #BirthControl Be #Banned During #Trump's #SecondTerm? #Experts Explain #Future #Access
You don't need to get an #IUD just yet. (Unless you want to!)
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #Hategroups #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #Misogyny #ThePartyOfHate
The CDC has finally admitted that for many patients, getting an #IUD inserted can be a painful procedure, and #healthcare providers should discuss pain relief with them, including lidocaine and anesthetics.
I love my #CopperIUD and it is absolutely the best #contraception for me. (I can't take hormonal #BirthControl for health reasons.) I'm fortunate that my gyno was very willing to make the insertion procedure as comfortable for me as possible. But it still hurt! And plenty of people don't have understanding healthcare providers who care about their pain.
Hopefully this small change will help more people access birth control that they need. (We still need so much more, like #UniversalHealthCare and recognition that #ReproductiveRightsAreHumanRights, but this is something!)
More info on Jezebel at https://www.jezebel.com/cdc-agrees-the-searing-mind-numbing-vomit-inducing-pain-of-getting-an-iud-is-maybe-too-much-pain
Pain medication finally recommended in #USA for the pain as an #IUD is insert in the womb. This, after many years of patient agony and complaints to physicians.
What about #Canada?
47 amazing seconds from Heather Cox Richardson on the insane "fetal personhood" plank of the Republican platform.
We swear we are not making this stuff up.
Request your absentee ballot today at https://www.votefromabroad.org/ ... and #vote !
" #Republican lawmakers in #Missouri blocked a bill to widen access to #birth-control pills by falsely claiming they induce #abortions. An #antiabortion group in #Louisiana killed legislation to enshrine a right to birth control... An #Idaho think tank focused on “biblical activism” is pushing state legislators to #ban access to emergency #contraception and intrauterine devices ( #IUD) by mislabeling them as “abortifacients.”
Emergency #contraceptive pills such as PlanB & Ella work by inhibiting or delaying ovulation, thus preventing sperm from fertilizing an egg.
A copper #IUD interferes w/sperm movement, making it harder to reach an egg. Hormonal IUDs thicken cervical mucus to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg & can prevent ovulation.
#law #science #health #medical #BirthControl
Per Senator Elizabeth Warren: A bill that would make IUDS illegal now has the support of a majority of House Republicans, including the Speaker.
Please read that again.
If that sentence didn't give you sudden, total clarity about what is at stake in this #election, please continue to read it until it does.
#birthcontrol #uspolitics #reproductiverights
#healthcare #BodilyAutonomy
#BidenHarris2024 #Democrats #Democrat @womensvoices #IUD
The #conservative #Christian #Idaho Family Pol Ctr is recommending states #ban #access to emergency #contraception & #IUD, which they mislabel as “#abortifacients” in a paper outlining next steps “now that we’ve successfully eliminated elective abortion.”
#Medical societies say it’s wrong to characterize emergency #contraceptive pills, a #BirthControl method used w/in days of unprotected sex, & IUDs, which are long-acting & reversible, as causing #abortions bc NEITHER END AN EXISTING PREGNANCY.
so I’ve had a mirena iud for as many years as is allowed, the last several years the FDA has extended the lifespan, so my Gyno has recommended just keeping it since it’s still rated to be effective. I think this will be the year when I need to have it removed and it’s also the year when I’m turning 50, so I am wondering, should I get another one? would love to hear from anyone who has experience or knowledge in this area
#Greenlandic #women plan to sue #Danish state over historical #contraceptive ‘violation’
Group of 67 claim they were fitted with an #IUD between 1966 and 1970 without #consent or knowledge