Day 4 of YMIR install.
I took the A #train to work to remake the A in "ARE". While there I helped fix Patrick's Neon Man Speech switch (for a play). The cheap this or that switches they get off amazon get too much bounce to them to be reliable after a few minutes of speech. So I whipped up a CD40106 oscillator to turn a single pole rugged switch I had into a "mouth is open OR closed" controller. Patrick requested that the packaging be tape- Not gonna argue with that
Alicia an I got Your Magic Is Real all installed just as people were walking in for an event. We had to call Jason last minute to debug "AGIC" not working- just some loose connectors. One of the largest ongoing collaborative projects I am a part has made it to Brooklyn! Gonna cover the back wall in #mirror vinyl tomorrow for double mirror :)
Your Magic Is Real opens at Urbanglass, Brooklyn at 6pm Wednesday (tomorrow). Funny Guy - Tom Kane Theater (Manhattan), Friday
MOMONOGI Kana #桃乃木かな