They’re not all very busy, but they are beautiful when people use them:
Timeline cleanse time - #SquirrelSaturday #Squirrel #RedSquirrel #nature
Today has been so bad for my mental and physical health that I'd decided I would starve myself rather than eat. I'd even stopped drinking water. Then I saw the birds and squirrels going hungry in my garden. I felt bad for them, and put some rice, puffed as well as raw, plus some biscuits together for them to eat.
I think they were having a fairly nice time until one of the two stray dogs I feed, who have basically made my area their crash zone, turned up to chase the squirrels, who promptly disappeared up the neem tree. My boy was actually smiling (unfortunately not caught on video).
Finally I put in the call for the goddamn takeout lunch.
Happy #GaneshChaturthi
(Apologies for the video quality; it was shot on a phone, and editing it made it weirdly laggy. The original is almost six minutes in duration.)
Furry Drone
I’ve only ever seen a flying squirrel once, in Kejimkujik Park in Nova Scotia. It was ‘flying’ around the campsite one night, moving so quickly it was hard to catch sight of where it was each time. This time it stopped to pick up something to eat before taking off again. They spread these flaps of skin between the front and back paws to glide between trees.Happy #SquirrelSaturday
#écureuil #écureuilVolant #FlyingSquirrel #nature #Squirrel #StevenKPosts
The #squirrels are now bringing the peanuts I put out for them on the fence each morning and burying them in the flower pots next to our back windows. Perhaps they’ve run out of stash spaces in the woods behind us? Making a return offering to show their appreciation? Subtly trying to communicate “enough with the peanuts already”?