On one hand; I've always thought it looks weird when someone in Sweden _fills_ their home with things from China (or any other country/culture). Having things as part of the mix is one thing - but letting it be dominant... naah.
OTH: I wonder if I can find similar dragons at Alibaba?
(Edit: story in toot below)
Book Promotion: Since the tragedy of 1994, Agency Division have weilded their authority over matters arcane with relative impunity. Enforcers like Vidcund Därk, collectively known as the Men in Black, serve a single purpose - the absolute eradicaton of magic and those who would use it. This is not an uncommon goal - a group of rogue arcanists known as the Grey Angels have much the same outcome in mind. When a respected mathematics professor obtains a translated copy of the Pnakotic Manuscripts, the hunt is on to determine how he got hold of it. But soon, a bigger crisis unfolds - one that Agency Division can’t keep under wraps.
If you like urban fantasy, but you're tired of the tropes playing out the same--snarky relucant hero, tortured by their sins--please check out my novel, Idle Hands.
Dr. Grey is anything but reluctant or tortured by her sins. Skeptical, bitter, but not tortured. She revels in what she's becoming.
#UrbanFantasy #QueerLit #Pulp #NeoNoir #lgbt #bookstodon
DRM-free ebook: https://aubreyjones.itch.io/idle-hands
Amazon: https://a.co/d/9gHbZKS
All major platforms: https://books2read.com/b/bxyQvl
Producer: I want the light to shine through the windows so we get dramatic shadows...
Location scout: Mhm...
Producer: ...and I want Zhang Zhiwei's reflection in the window.
Location scout *suddenly remembering some basic physics*: Errrr...
Producer: It's _symbolism_!
Location scout: *sigh* We'll fix it in post...
(They did their best by having the bottom part of the pane in deep shadow, because it is, indeed, good symbolism.)
City series
Watercolor. Acrylic finished details
Arches cotton paper
A4 size
#MastoArt #arte #art #drawing #painting #watercolor #urbanfantasy #urban #cityscape #city
Ok, normally I start rooting for the Bad Guy when the plot gets too dumb, but that's not the case here. The plot is good. But the sheer ambition of Sinister Pleasure bringing a _band_ to their riot, with both traditonal Chinese instruments, Western ones, and a pianist (not in picture)...
...Sorry Good Guys! I'm with the grand piano!
It's a crap pic because it's a crap still - the fight is so fast paced I have a hard time getting something not-blurry. But I am impressed by the vfx in this drama, especially here where the lightning shoots chunks of dirt out of the ground. Could it be better? By a _small_ margin yes; China is levelling up fast, and most of it is totally agreeable.
Not sure if I'll go anywhere with this. Some character concept sketches from a potential urban fantasy series, set in the Venice-like city of Salognia. …
Character Concept Sketches: Salognia Nights https://aceade.net/2025/03/13/character-concept-sketches-salognia-nights/
One last push: nominations for the Hugo close tomorrow night, and I think City of Roses deserves to be on the short list for Best Series. I mean, I'd say it's the best urban fantasy series you aren't reading, but then, I'm biased.