Many of those #Disney games on the #PS1 and #PS2, (or even #Warnerbros and etc.) are games you can safely emulate today,
Various DIsney movies had been remade of late and its a good decade right now, to go back and play through those older Disney games. Not just for nestolgia but because they been brought back up to the public eye.
Usually 3rd party releases are different then as if the game was made and owned by the #studio that owned the source material.
Many of these Disney games were made by 3rd party game company licenses. Meaning Disney made all the money before you even had the chance to buy the game. Disney is more worried about piracy of their movies, or any of their in house video games, but not games via #3rdparty studios through #licenses
Since alot of these 3rd party #videogame studious are, old, and probably don't exist today, actually further increases the safetyness of playing these older titles while emulating. However, I would not advertise any specific case of you emulating a game or more specifically downloading a #rom . It is technically illegal.
What you need to do is make sure the game you are emulating isn't a game that's still being used to this current day, many of these older ps1 titles have not been ported or remastered on modern console. (Unless you count the barebones emulatation, even then the amount of tittles are limited.
How to know when not to #emulate a game: #emulation
Even if the game is an older game in a franchise, is that specific game engine/ franchise still in use to this day? If yes, it's likely the devs would appreciate you buy that tittle. But if you're looking at something like Rayman 2 and Rayman 3, whens the last time #Ubisoft made a 3D #Rayman game? Exactly. THey been doing more 2d games in modern times.