Today is the last day of Round 2 of our #AniMarchMadness Tournament!
We've got some strong contenders today including last year's champ Violet Evergarden & popular emerging series like Chainsaw Man.
Check all our social accounts today
Vote early, vote often, vote everywhere!
Day 4 #AniMarchMadness Match-Up #1 from the Emerging Region:
Lycoris Recoil vs Chainsaw Man
Vote now.
Tags: #Poll #Polls #Anime #リコリコ #リコリスリコイル #LycoReco #LycorisRecoil #チェンソーマン #chainsawman
Day 4 #AniMarchMadness Match-Up #2 from the Classics Region:
One Piece vs Dragon Ball Z
Vote now.
Tags: #Poll #Polls #Anime #OnePiece #DBZ #DragonBallZ #DragonBall
@beneaththetangles Can I instead weep profusely?
@cthellis Absolutely.
We'll join you.