#PhotoOfTheDay Is of The Racetrack playa, Death Valley National Park, California.
#PhotoOfTheDay Is of The Racetrack playa, Death Valley National Park, California.
#PhotoOfTheDay Sailing rock on the playa, The Racetrack, Death Valley National Park.
#PhotoOfTheDay is of the marker for Shorty's Grave in Death Valley National Park. Located in Badwater Basin, you can see that the elevation on the handheld GPS shows as -258 feet! Badwater Basin is the lowest point in North America. The plaque is one of the two lowest benchmarks in the NGS database, along with the nearby Dayton-Harris disk.
#PhotoOfTheDay is Ubehebe Crater, Death Valley National Park. It's half a mile deep and resulted when volcanic magma reached the groundwater, flashed it into steam, and BOOM!
#PhotoOfTheDay My Land Cruiser on a long dirt road at Death Valley National Park, among a field of young Joshua Trees.
#PhotoOfTheDay A close call/near collision at The Racetrack, Death Valley National Park, California. :)
#PhotoOfTheDay is our tent at a campsite in Death Valley at dusk.
#PictureOfTheDay is the kid running at full tilt out on The Racetrack playa in Death Valley. #photography #DVNP