The would-like-to-be star of the silver screen arrived to #MaGMML3 ! She may not be a true actress, but she wants to see you laugh all the same!
You can find the link on the wiki, under the name "Toon Woman", enjoy these shenanigans.
Mega Man/VTuber Ichiban Kuji lottery announced for Japan:
From Mega Man to mega fan
ゲーム・VTuber・メタバースの新着情報ダイジェスト 2025.3.2
・#周防パトラ × #ロックマン コラボ
・誕生日:#桃鈴ねね #AveKanehoshii
・お披露目:#カシアン・フロロス 新衣装
・チャンネル登録者数:#蛾虫ユズ 10万人
Games, VTuber, and Metaverse New Informations Digest March 2, 2025
* #HIMEHINA 7th Anniversary Live Day2
* #SuouPatra × #MEGAMAN Collab
* Birthday: #MomosuzuNene #AveKanehoshii
* #OozoraSubaru 6th Anniversary Live
* Unveil: #CassianFloros New Outfit
* YouTube Channel Subscribers: #SanagiYuzu 100K
Mega Man Teaches Spelling
I just watched the Mega Man episode of that Secret Level Anthology series on Prime Video and it really show how Megaman should only ever be adapted as an Anime.
This very Western Style could maybe suit Magaman X but not the Classic Series. Classic Mega Man I would want in Animation to look like the Pluto adaptation that went up on Netflix in October of 2023.
And this isn't about the 2D vs 3D animation discourse, there is 3D CGI Animation that cna emulate the Anime Style and VIbes.
Please play #MegaManLegends 2 AKA Rockman Dash 2, it's cheap on PSN as is Trone Bonne's game, they're very good and very very hard to find physically in english
https://www.wacoca.com/games/1075527/ 【ロックマンゼクス】ハードに挑戦!その3【ダブルヒーローコレクション/シグニス/VTuber/レトロゲーム】 #Megaman #megamanX #RPG #Vtuber #YouTubelive #アニバーサリーコレクション #ゲーム実況 #シグニス #スーパーファミコン #スーファミ #ポポロクロイス物語 #メガマン #ライブシグニス #レトロゲーム #ロックマンX #ロックマンゼクス #ロックマンゼロ #ロックマンゼロ2 #ロックマンゼロ3 #ロックマンゼロ4 #攻略 #新人vtuber #男性Vtuber
X: (impassionate speech to final boss)
Zero: "You're way too big to be a slug. Just get lost"