There’s the argument that the reason lawful travelers are having their visas revoked and then being arrested and imprisoned is ICE doing whatever they can to meet the president’s quotas.
And there’s likely truth to this, but I suspect it’s not the whole truth.
If it was just about the EO and quotas, then border rejection or immediate deportation would be on the table for these people. However, that’s not what we’re seeing. These people are being taken, arrested, detained, then imprisoned with no legal representation, no ability to leave the country willingly, and no care.
If this is about ICE quotas, why keep them?
The US operates private for profit corporate prisons. They receive funding from state and federal government based on occupation of the prison. This incentivizes them to hold on to detainees however possible. This has been a known issue in the US for decades, and they now have a new source of prisoner inflow.
With no due process, they really can’t tell them why they are there, how long they will be there, etc. They just know federal law enforcement has arrested someone and they want to hold them to fill their pockets full of taxpayer money.
It’s worth understanding that this well will dry up. As they continue their attacks on undocumented immigrants and tourists stop coming here, they will need another source of prisoners.
Who will they attack next?