Updating #introduction
Hi, under-employed burned out #MobileDev #WebDev #GameDev doing my own thing. https://anianimals.moe is my passion project that I've finally had time to do. Let me know if there's any Anime Animals I could've missed.
初めまして。 よろしくお願いします。
-Not Japanese, but I've learnt from lots of anime, gaming, Seiyuu radio shows, #GenkiTextbooks, and JLPT guidebooks. My supposed level is N2+ according to N1 friends, but I can't be bothered to take the exam #TestAnxiety and .
-Used to fly to Japan a lot
-Been a fan of #Anime since the #Ninku, #FushigiYuugi days
-Worked in both the Bay Area and Boston, but no longer in the US. I also have sat in for a few random classes in MIT and Stanford
-Fav Japanese Game: #LittleBusters, peak #MaedaJun
-I love good stories, and my preferred genre is #Fantasy, but sometimes #SciFi. My current fav author is #BrandonSanderson, and it's great that he churns out books so fast
-I have a mom-daughter pair of cats. I post about them occasionally
-Currently really into #HoloLive, sorry if I post too much about it
-I really love animals in anime, if wasn't obvious enough. The world needs more cute, and I'm just cataloguing it.