On last Friday's Chiko-chan will scold you, they had a segment on why children love stuffed animals?
Apparently, they like them in order to separate from parents. Newborn babies are in a state that they can't distinguish from themselves and their parents. When a baby cries, you give them build and hold it. Eventually, the parent have to make the baby transition to the real world that they can't eat right away or be hugged, that they are not omnipotent.
A stuffed animal is considered an alien object to the baby to help reduce the anxiety and a substitute to a parent, which can also be blankets and towels to help them grow up. While people graduate from them out of pressure, most have them since it give them sense of security and healing, that even adults have favorite stuffed animals.
Of course, which one is popular with a children? They have a young girl pick a stuffed animal. Parents and grandparents picked one out, which involved a Miffy, a panda bear, gorilla, and a lopped ear bunny. Of course, the girl picked the panda bear. Everyone seems to love panda bears.
Good morning. Sure sign the holidays are over: My wife crams the stuffed Christmas dolls back into the basket with the rest of her collection. #Photography #Today #stuffedanimals #Chicago
Day 3 - #DecRecs
I've always loved stuffed animals, but over the years I've fallen in love with the brand Jellycat! Mostly because of a Tumblr account I stumbled upon some years ago that posts each new release and answers any questions people ask about them. I came to admire how earnestly the account owner loved Jellycat plushies and the designs are very cute...
I bought a small black cat for myself (attached a pic of it!) at a boutique a few years ago, and I'd definitely like to buy another in the future. The only downside is that the brand can be quite expensive, especially for larger stuffed animals.
Here's the Tumblr blog that inspired me: https://www.tumblr.com/jellycatstuffies
And the Jellycat website: https://jellycat.com/
Sharing another one of my new pieces from my kids collection - Stuffed Elephant - Marty. Hope you have a good one.
Available here: https://1-lisas-baker.pixels.com/featured/stuffed-elephant-elliot-lisa-s-baker.html
Happy Friday - I thought I would share one of my new pieces from my kids collection called Stuffed Monkey - Marty. Have a good one!
Little Bo Peep, report to Millennium Park!
I've been promoting my trans pride apparel, but there are still lots of other items for sale at MASSIVE discounts for my inventory-dump transition sale!
For example, this tiny little fella: https://artisans.coop/products/crocheted-cat-plushie-three-pose-options-1?variant=48084886782252
Please buy and/or boost! It's very important to me that I get this out there!
Tomorrow begins the Handmade Hearts transition sale! This is in persuit of the goal to empty my current shop inventory.
Everything will be sold for 20€ (that's $22.11) plus shipping until everything that wasn't already under that price is gone. This is happening on my #ArtisansCooperative storefront, which means right now it only applies to the US and Canada unless you ask me directly to set up a payment through Stripe.
Important thing to note about the shipping! The price to ship a box that most of my items need to fit in is $25* to the US and Canada — but multiple of them can fit in the same box. If you buy more than one item, you only pay that shipping once.
With that in mind, you could potentially get two bags and a hat that would total over $300 if you got them one at a time before, for no more than $80 now. In one box!
This is not a reflection of the true value of my work, but of a need to get more immediate sales in order to move into a new phase. Please keep this in mind and don't expect similar prices to be standard for #crocheted items.
I'll be lowering those prices tomorrow morning and start posting about it every day. Share with your friends!
*I said $18 when I initially made this post. That was a typo, sorry!
I've put a note on my Coop shop announcing the 20€ transitional sale starting September 1st . I'ma be working on the li'l tranimals until the sale is complete, then those will go up as the first listing of the new inventory. :3
If you're in the US or Canada and you'd like an exceptionally cheap handmade stuffed animal, bag, or a trans pride hat for this winter, make a note for yourself! This is one of very few instances where the low price is the decision of the worker whose labor created the goods.
Has anyone ever used 100% cotton stuffing when making a rag doll? It’s a lot more expensive than poly-fil so I’d sure love some feedback before I spend the money
#Quilting #Sewing #DollMaking #Stuffies #StuffedAnimals @sewing @quilting
Look what my mom got me for Easter! I've wanted one of these sleeping Pokemon plushies since my brother showed them to me weeks ago. I'm so happy with Charmander! I'd always choose Charmander when I was a kid playing Red and Blue. Not only did my mom get me one, she saved $10 on it! He's so soft too! I love him!
Tulliver has come to join the bears at Mawson's House. The Tedettes (girl bears) are very excited. Tulliver has his own amazing wardrobe. And he displays it all on their fashion show. See more of the Tedettes at www.mawsonbear.blog . #stuffedanimals #softtoys #handicrafts #sewing #turtle #crafts #handsewing #handmade #gift #teddy #wardrobe #fashion #clothes #shirts #fashionparade
We've got #penguins available!
They're more expensive than I initially thought they'd end up being. I realize most of my plushies are going to be luxury purchases for most people, but I want to avoid undervaluing my work. Not just for my own sake, but so as not to contribute to a larger undervaluing of #crocheted and #handmade things in general. There's a pricing breakdown in the description of the listing, which lays out how what I'm getting for my work is minimum wage (in Germany, where I live) for four and a half hour's work — not including the time it took to test the #plushies for safety requirements, to do the math on expenses, and to write up the listing itself. I don't keep track of that time.
Once I have all the current inventory listed, I really would like to design some simpler plushies so I can sell to ppl who can't afford the ones I've designed so far.
look at this cute ass wooly bear caterpillar plush from the brand Douglas
My book is out in the world! Hurrah!
I'm so happy with it and I hope all of you who get to read it will be too!
You can buy it here:
I'm so glad I can finally share it!