Nur für den verrückten Fall, dass sie noch jemand nicht kennt: Hier die spielbare, deutsche EGA-Demo von "The Secret of Monkey Island". Sollte in keiner gut sortierten MS-DOS Sammlung fehlen!
Nur für den verrückten Fall, dass sie noch jemand nicht kennt: Hier die spielbare, deutsche EGA-Demo von "The Secret of Monkey Island". Sollte in keiner gut sortierten MS-DOS Sammlung fehlen!
Ich will hier jetzt nicht viel Lärm drum machen, aber für einen alten Adventure-Spiele-Fan wie mich war es heute doch etwas sehr besonderes, endlich diesen Disketten-Satz auslesen und für euch hochladen zu dürfen:
Die deutsche Version von "The Secret of Monkey Island" in 16-Farben EGA auf 8x 5.25Zoll 360K Disketten:
Nach dieser speziellen Version hatte ich jetzt jahrelang gesucht. Dass am Ende wirklich alle Disketten in einem perfekten KryoFlux-Zustand waren, hat mich nochmal extra gefreut!
Viel Spaß damit!
I am making a #EGA #textparser #adventure #indiegame because I like #pixelart and #retrogames. It is called Zombie Quest and you play like you do in old Sierra games. Sound on when you watch the #trailer.
Tonight, I'm checking out an old Sierra adventure game I never played before: "The Colonel's Bequest" from 1989.
86Box is such an awesome, little emulator. I can just fire up the virtual 386, mount the 720k floppy disk images into drive A:, pick the best graphics (EGA/VGA) and music device (MT-32) and everything just works just like that!
As a retro gamer, I think this is such a treat!
Shortly after "Shadow Knights" (1990), id Software used the same engine to do "Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion" (1991).
Neither is meant to represent what PC hardware could do at the time. Both are EGA when VGA was readily available, and both do PC Speaker beeps when proper sound cards were becoming a thing.
But you can fit both in a single floppy disk, and run them on most PCs of the time. And they do make good use of hardware limitations.
My point-and-click adventure game (still in development) starts with an experience I had during a vacation. Who doesn't love it when the upstairs neighbors decide to have a party in the middle of the night?
Sentinel Worlds 1: Future Magic... aka I wonder if this was a (Mega)Traveller game where the license fell through in the end so Electronic Arts changed things up a bit and released it as its own thing. Either that or it's *heavily* inspired by it. So much so that the MegaTraveller game, Zhodani Conspiracy, that released two years later in 1990 now feels like a Sentinel Worlds knockoff!
Honestly, after tinkering around with it for a while, I already feel it's a better MegaTraveller game than the actual ones from Paragon Software.
I've been meaning to give it a bash for some time and I'm glad I did as it's going on the deeper delve list. And that name! Future Magic. What a coolness.
The long awaited EGA game The Crimson Diamond by @JuliaMinamata is out now!
The very first demo of this game already convinced me. So many The Colonel's Bequest vibes with an own character.
I've purchased it immediately on Steam!
Congratulations for your release!
This is a copy of Autodesk AutoFlix Version 1.0, still sealed in its packaging. Given the text of the printed letter and the packaging, this looks like it might have been a promotional copy?
I can't even use this (yet) – I don't have a computer with a 5.25 floppy drive at the moment. But, in my defense, it looked interesting and was sitting in a "free stuff" pile.
https://www.project-anime.com/976512/ Everything GREAT About: Dr. Stone: New World | First Half #AnimationWins #Anime #AnimeReaction #AnimeReview #AnimeWins #AnimeWinsDoctorStone #AnimeWinsDrStone #AnimeWinsDrStoneNewWorld #AnimeWinsReaction #AnimeWinsReview #animewins #aniwins #DoctorStone #DrStoneAnime #DrStoneBest #DrStoneNewWorld #DrStoneReview #Dr.StoneEpisode1 #DR.STONEREACTION #Dr.STONE #Dr.STONE NEW WORLD #EGA #EverythingGreatAbout #EverythingGreatAboutDrStone #PetrifyBeamDrStone #senku #WINS