Cet enchaînement de photos me fait beaucoup trop rire, on dirait que l’aigrette a capté son reflet dans l’eau en mode « Oh! Mais c’est quoi cet oiseau sous moi? Mais… C’EST MOI!?? »
#Photography #Nature #bird #Birds #LittleEgret #FunnyBirdPic #CotedAzur
Bonsoir Mastodon! Un petit moment paisible avant demain et la reprise pour certain.e.s
#Photography #Nature #Birds #Bird #LittleEgret #Gulls #CotedAzur #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfFediverse
Salut le Fediverse! #ArtAdventCalendar jour 5 : Une aigrette garzette sur fond de marécages colorés.
#Photography #Nature #Bird #Birds #LittleEgret #GoldenHour
A couple from #victoriapark this morning; a #snipe and a #LittleEgret with a #stickleback.
#nature #naturephotography #wildlife #bird #waterbird #belfast #NorthernIreland @RSPB
The place was packed, the paths were full and awkward to navigate. We couldn’t find any space in the large Parrinder hide so the main groups of birds were just out of range for us. A Pied Wagtail briefly perched on the hide roof while we decided to move into the wooded area of the reserve as it was quieter.
And now, in the second part of Exercise With #Egret, let's try something trickier: touching your head with your foot. Without falling over.
Finally... Oh. Maybe don't try this one at home. Especially if someone is standing behind you...
Three #LittleEgret changing sides (of the lake)
I prefer their german Name: #Seidenreiher