#macro #macrophotography #nature #naturephotography #dragonfly #insect #nature #naturephotography
There were more Pygopleurus vulpes about today, and I again failed to get any in-focus shots. Its maddening. Have some other chafer-type beastie instead. #beetles #MacroPhotography
#BEEHOLD, the bees are coming
Here is a glimpse to the #WildBees of #SouthTyrol
with #EuracResearch press and the Institute for #AlpineEnvironment
I am not sure what kind of bee this is, but I found it today, while playing around with what I can do macro-wise with my current lens collection.
Somewhat happy with it, although getting the focus somewhat right is not that easy.
A tiny jumping spider hides in a lavender flower to stalk its prey.
iPhone 15 Pro main camera + home made lens for close focusing
Una diminuta araña saltadora se esconde en una flor de lavanda para acechar a su presa.
Eine winzige Springspinne versteckt sich in einer Lavendelblüte, um sich an ihre Beute heranzupirschen.
#macro #macrophotography
#insects #animals #nature
#shotonmobile #shotoniphone