Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus), 22nd July 2024
es: Busardo de Hombro Rojo, fr: Buse à Épaulettes
Wakefield, Massachusetts
Massa-adchu-es-et (Massachusett), Naumkeag & Pawtucket traditional territory
Canon EOS R5, Canon RF 200-800mm f/6.3-9 + 1.4x teleconverter @ 1120mm, 1/400s, f/14, ISO 400
#Birds #RedShoulderedHawk #RSHA #Raptors #HopeIsTheThingWithFeathers #DescribeYourImages
Majestic, Red-Shouldered Hawk
This is an image I've had for a while. The red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) was perched in an oak tree inside my backyard fence. I'm sure the bird was hoping for some easy prey like a songbird or squirrel visiting a bird feeder.
Are you interested in rapping raptors? Visit my photo gallery to see the raptors in action, although they might not actually be rapping!
https://swede1952-photographs.pixels.com [swede1952-photographs.pixels.com]
Red shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus)
Olympus OM-1, Panasonic 100-300 II
300mm (and cropped a little), f/5.6, 1/1250s, ISO 2500
#bird #BirdPhotography #darktable #hawk #photo #photography #RedShoulderedHawk #UrbanWildlife @birding
Branch-bound Hunter
Here is a red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus)
"Whether wheeling over a swamp forest or whistling plaintively from a riverine park, a Red-shouldered Hawk is typically a sign of tall woods and water. It’s one of our most distinctively marked common hawks, with barred reddish-peachy underparts and a strongly banded tail. In flight, translucent crescents near the wingtips help to identify the species at a distance. These forest hawks hunt prey ranging from mice to frogs and snakes." - allaboutbirds.org
Visit my photo gallery at:
https://swede1952-photographs.pixels.com [swede1952-photographs.pixels.com]
Green Eyes - Encore
I prepared this picture to post this morning. Then I thought, I wonder if I had one where the hawk is staring at me and both eyes are showing, and I did so I prepped and posted that photo. I don't want to let this one go to waste, so here. Remider, this is a red-shouldered hawk.
I don't post all of the photos that I post here to my Pixels gallery, but I post the photos I like best. Some don't make the cut. I usually wait a couple of days and see how I feel about it then.
You can check out my gallery at:
https://swede1952-photographs.pixels.com [swede1952-photographs.pixels.com]
Green Eyes
This is the face of a red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus). It was probably complaining about my presence.
An important skill, indeed:
"By the time they are five days old, nestling Red-shouldered Hawks can shoot their feces over the edge of their nest. Bird poop on the ground is a sign of an active nest." - allaboutbirds.org
My gallery contains more that 700 images that I've chosen to share. Most are there for their visual appeal but there are a few novelty images. You can check out my gallery at:
https://swede1952-photographs.pixels.com [swede1952-photographs.pixels.com]
Forest Sovereign
When there is a hawk around, I'm sure to grab my camera. This is a red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus).
"Although the American Crow often mobs the Red-shouldered Hawk, sometimes the relationship is not so one-sided. They may chase each other and try to steal food from each other. They may also both attack a Great Horned Owl and join forces to chase the owl out of the hawk's territory." - allaboutbirds.org
It is flippin' LOUD out there this morning, and the neighbors are starting to get peeved.
#RedShoulderedHawk #RSHA #TuftedTitmouse #TITU #Birds
On The Road
While my wife and I were travailing north to Arkansas on Friday (10 May 2024), i spotted a hawk perched on a powerline paralleling a road through the Arkansas Ozark mountains. So, I pulled over and grabbed my camera. Later, I was showing the picture to one of my granddaughters who asked what it was, at the time I didn't know because I was looking at a small photo on my phone of a bird 50-100 yards away. Well, I just got back home and have the time to check it out. It is a red shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus).
You know, the photographs that I post here are not quite a vivid as the same photographs that I post at my pixel's gallery, because here, I reduce the size of the photos and usually make a slight reduction in the quality of the photos to make them easier to load.
Take a look:
https://swede1952-photographs.pixels.com [swede1952-photographs.pixels.com]
Sylvan Sovereign
“Perched in the heart of the sylvan expanse, the hawk stands as a majestic sentinel, embodying the wild elegance of nature.” - Copilot
Charlie woke me from a nap, and I got up to let him and Ben outside. When I looked out the backdoor, there was a puff of feathers on the lawn not far from the door - pigeon feathers. One of the pigeons visiting met its end on this spring morning, likely taken by a hawk. Probably not the red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) in this photo from July 2023, but most certainly a hawk.
You know, the photographs that I post here are not quite a vivid as the same photographs that I post at my pixel's gallery, because here, I reduce the size of the photos and usually make a slight reduction in the quality of the photos to make them easier to load.
Take a look:
https://swede1952-photographs.pixels.com [swede1952-photographs.pixels.com]
Cry of the Red-Shouldered Hawk
Here is a photo of a red shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) that I took last summer.
Because you want to know:
"By the time they are five days old, nestling Red-shouldered Hawks can shoot their feces over the edge of their nest. Bird poop on the ground is a sign of an active nest." - allaboutbird.org
You know, the photographs that I post here are not quite a vivid as the same photographs that I post at my pixel's gallery, because here, I reduce the size of the photos and usually make a slight reduction in the quality of the photos to make them easier to load.
Take a look:
https://swede1952-photographs.pixels.com [swede1952-photographs.pixels.com]
The Alarm
I was out on a walk with Ben and Charlie this morning. During the walk I heard a commotion, crows sounding an alarm. I looked around seeing nothing when suddenly an American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) went streaking by to the north. I look around trying to determine what the crow was fleeing from, when far off to the south I spotted a red shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) on the hunt. Other, smaller, birds were moving away from where the hawk was hunting as well.
Red Shouldered Hawk
Here is a red shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) that flew over a while back.
"Red-shouldered Hawks eat mostly small mammals, lizards, snakes, and amphibians. They hunt from perches below the forest canopy or at the edge of a pond, sitting silently until they sight their prey below. Then they descend swiftly, gliding and snatching a vole or chipmunk off the forest floor. They also eat toads, snakes, and crayfish. They occasionally eat birds, sometimes from bird feeders; recorded prey include sparrows, starlings, and doves." - allaboutbirds.org
Here is a head shot of a red shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) that is hanging around lately. Though, the bird hasn't come back to my yard, I've caught glimpses of the hawk swooping through the trees. Notice the sharpness of the beak.
"Although the American Crow often mobs the Red-shouldered Hawk, sometimes the relationship is not so one-sided. They may chase each other and try to steal food from each other. They may also both attack a Great Horned Owl and join forces to chase the owl out of the hawk's territory." - allaboutbirds.org
Don't think I don't see you.
I was looking out the backdoor and saw this red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) sitting on a limb overlooking my bird feeders. Gives a new meaning for bird feeders doesn't it? Anyway, I grabbed my camera and started snapping, the hawk flew away, and I realized that there was no SD card in my camera. I corrected that, then Charlie and I sat outside for a few minutes. The hawk came back, something I hoped for but didn't really expect to happen. Funny thing, there were pigeons on the roof of my small garage, they didn't budge. Maybe they know the hawk can't catch them.
"Although the American Crow often mobs the Red-shouldered Hawk, sometimes the relationship is not so one-sided. They may chase each other and try to steal food from each other. They may also both attack a Great Horned Owl and join forces to chase the owl out of the hawk's territory." - allaboutbirds.org